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Fifth Assignment
Due 5 November 2009

All homeworks must be neatly typed with Microsoft Word or its equivalent with all R and WINBUGS code shown in an Appendix.

  1. Work Chapter 3, Exercise 5, on page 59 of Bayesian Computation With R.

  2. Work Chapter 4, Exercise 1, on pages 81 and 82 of Bayesian Computation With R.

  3. Re-run the three Houses you analyzed in Homework 4 only run 4 chains for each of the logits with 4 sets of inits (see h105_BUGS_data_example.txt for an example of 3 chains). Report:
    1. The Density plots for all the betas and sigma.
    2. The History plots for all the betas and sigma.
    3. The Autocorrelation plots for all the betas and sigma.
    4. The Gelman-Rubin Statistics Plots for all the betas and sigma.