Eighth Assignment
Due 6 June 2007
# # # idealKeith2_2007.r -- Implements Simon's IDEAL in R # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # library(pscl) # s104 <- readKH("https://legacy.voteview.com/k7ftp/sen104kh.ord",dtl=NULL, yea=c(1,2,3), nay=c(4,5,6), missing=c(7,8,9), notInLegis=0, desc="104th U.S. Senate", debug=FALSE) class(s104) csts <- constrain.legis(s104,x=list("KERRY (D MA)"=c(-1,0), "HELMS (R NC)"=c(1,0), "NUNN (D GA)"=c(0,1)),d=2) kpideal <- ideal(s104, d=2, priors=csts, startvals=csts, store.item=TRUE) sumkpideal <- summary(kpideal,include.beta=TRUE) # write.table(sumkpideal$x,"c:/ucsd_homework_8/tab_simon_104_2x.txt") write.table(sumkpideal$bResults,"c:/ucsd_homework_8/tab_simon_104_2z.txt") # #This is essentially the same syntax as the one-dimensional version used in Question 4 of Homework 7.
"Mean" "Std.Dev." "X2.5." "X97.5." "Mean.1" "Std.Dev..1" "X2.5..1" "X97.5..1" "KERRY (D MA)" -1.00000005627657 1.05914228842044e-06 -1.00000179500486 -0.999998270145548 -0.184805722127767 0.237887439214594 -0.797986254362587 0.033735899310156 "FEINGOLD (D WI)" -0.696592428401382 0.129841470314019 -0.941492147338116 -0.500959048506417 -0.113812808266703 0.184708595636727 -0.620816560645933 0.0909311930520861 "KENNEDY (D MA)" -0.39853678895477 0.0348101416889358 -0.474887262758531 -0.344384836730444 -0.0419015311860792 0.175676216361879 -0.51236114421886 0.127441110990893 "WELLSTONE (D MN)" -0.394472989188181 0.0505389157441363 -0.50230656593278 -0.324065661438437 -1.26553289115466e-07 8.39900671523795e-07 -1.71648213950764e-06 1.43565231452832e-06 "BOXER (D CA)" -0.359994595662614 0.0315688541597476 -0.413300705101129 -0.293160296396817 1.91042358878488e-07 1.13289345859989e-06 -2.15080233070791e-06 2.17709557004076e-06 "LAUTENBERG (D NJ)" -0.354489034997133 0.0443511585876246 -0.439334506519077 -0.281497637829805 0.018501335616282 0.146593189108768 -0.309016960590407 0.20089769581956 "LEVIN (D MI)" -0.35130467060205 0.0322673911446749 -0.40390752166505 -0.290724378138242 0.0372879181805635 0.151710224940279 -0.362926451554599 0.222620548737536 "AKAKA (D HI)" -0.346673597103296 0.0365018011509167 -0.427312625973083 -0.287771536726954 0.044432457357071 0.147787204439382 -0.266113396846850 0.222186924676193 "SARBANES (D MD)" -0.342255802922513 0.0322895049085901 -0.397969074011471 -0.283946032880567 0.050642273164567 0.131994074902861 -0.285411996832474 0.19903076992167 "CLINTON (D USA)" -0.337869197736866 0.0670075272235685 -0.474811342173269 -0.216025697154335 0.0560157564502081 0.157117903168647 -0.311011778480377 0.253091750357016 "MURRAY (D WA)" -0.28597620787783 0.0263509206674688 -0.330199572684002 -0.237279414250368 0.0654126045046062 0.156371572398615 -0.314358137127277 0.226852813524100 "DASCHLE (D SD)" -0.281738966323341 0.0256147235268329 -0.336768614860151 -0.243173382941401 0.0655677564509993 0.128617894358182 -0.239754301727538 0.232261438099489 "LEAHY (D VT)" -0.278228631055282 0.0242197320834283 -0.318712365969545 -0.233312853337711 0.133626722170454 0.140667199725057 -0.196102387197915 0.327966333238791 "BRADLEY (D NJ)" -0.2687891291404 0.0372292599906854 -0.34338883785068 -0.212426521465655 0.133983415495429 0.148137742196440 -0.208814831985836 0.316199513349761 "WYDEN (D OR)" -0.262749801308506 0.0352989788942549 -0.338478559431215 -0.20472803319104 0.158396700612318 0.117874463328492 -0.179640399463978 0.289791606068176 "BUMPERS (D AR)" -0.248056526814670 0.0277129649547166 -0.299686228695726 -0.197011398230777 0.158493155818312 0.123560072575917 -0.0506108179985641 0.351729320653705 "HARKIN (D IA)" -0.238253976611633 0.0275249732359982 -0.293964926792670 -0.195248764412594 0.186563163052933 0.12693487460437 -0.120009075633594 0.347638133753076 etc etc etc "FRAHM (R KS)" 0.766908851376082 0.0914597767683575 0.625613721844755 0.995767876198796 0.884217278931857 0.0346438807423753 0.825733929805528 0.939558007655075 "GRAMS (R MN)" 0.791347098723283 0.0477253007557132 0.71634114456152 0.880933318740965 0.884813385120334 0.0421023087915531 0.803962514533159 0.955092359822156 "CRAIG (R ID)" 0.798569928508595 0.0603779523988627 0.686396244569486 0.904833048923472 0.885079470561768 0.0431467972157105 0.822699635709227 0.966064058350966 "SMITH (R NH)" 0.802499888451778 0.0513193157417154 0.716851754946009 0.925461558800786 0.912400304311904 0.0405870462972340 0.838550659158186 0.983823578538827 "NICKLES (R OK)" 0.8335948908007 0.0575166681661147 0.727504273119044 0.932150135470632 0.925334246662931 0.0336147422147895 0.85459187826742 0.990052064825521 "LOTT (R MS)" 0.853784114475831 0.065939314911153 0.730990606385782 0.963198220874198 0.997291932953773 0.0419548014538604 0.920628647824988 1.08037789654150 "GRAMM (R TX)" 0.86013895409139 0.0668803296244975 0.738998517814595 0.97008601182628 0.999999789596138 1.03578860019596e-06 0.999998137477307 1.00000173009050 "FAIRCLOTH (R NC)" 0.86252291694481 0.0567373830206778 0.768024687410519 0.961100374980722 1.02645399349467 0.0353485051731512 0.96443002306122 1.08829681071493 "KYL (R AZ)" 0.883698240027533 0.0630942336077122 0.764946860485221 0.985277044853578 1.03245451005413 0.0339143848527236 0.965660582029468 1.08458424882910 "ASHCROFT (R MO)" 0.915040422271441 0.0643874036969359 0.794567281109498 1.01229236702003 1.04490958135752 0.0382750673903569 0.978104642690763 1.10988670510648 "INHOFE (R OK)" 0.928389308174792 0.0573905230541822 0.80030925984812 1.02084814814722 1.05530391032868 0.0312415099933454 0.99815742379895 1.11641203947666 "HELMS (R NC)" 1.00000024914177 1.25416859032160e-06 0.999997894925816 1.00000274933716 1.06649515550879 0.0436530264192146 0.99576718594392 1.14556022956397The first and fifth columns of numbers are the Posterior Means for the first and second dimensions.
100 FORMAT(31X,2I4,28X,I1,37X,A2,3I2,411X,14I3,113X,I2,2X,5I1,28X,I1, C 19X,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,5X,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,33X,I2,5I1,61X,I2,6X,I1, C 120X,I2,7X,I2,687X,I1,20X,I1,63X,33I3)The format statement I used to write the data file is:
200 FORMAT(1X,2I4,1X,I1,1X,A2,4I2,1X,14I3,1X,I2,5I1,1X,I1,1X, C I2,5I1,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,1X,I2,1X,I1,1X, C I2,1X,I2,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,33I3)The variables in the file are:
I4 2004 Pre Case ID" I4 2004 Post Case ID" I1 sex (1=Man, 2=Woman) A2 Postal abbreviation of state I2 FIPS state code I2 ICPSR state code I2 South/Non-South (1=Southern State, 0=Non-Southern State) I2 Congressional District number I3 Feeling Thermometer: GW Bush" I3 Feeling Thermometer: John Kerry" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Nader" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Cheney" I3 Feeling Thermometer: John Edwards" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Laura Bush" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Hillary Clinton" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Bill Clinton" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Colin Powell" I3 Feeling Thermometer: John Ashcroft" I3 Feeling Thermometer: John McCain" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Democratic party" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Republican party" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Ronald Reagan" I2 Liberal/conservative self-placement -7-point scale" I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - GW Bush" I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - Kerry" I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - Nader" I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - Dem Party" I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - Rep party" I1 Party ID (0=Strong Democrat -- 6=Strong Republican) {end of first line of format statement} I2 Spending and Services - 7-point scale self-placement" C GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY FEWER SERVICES -- GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY MORE SERVICES I1 Importance of spending/services issue to R" I1 Spending and Services Placement: GW Bush" I1 Spending and Services Placement: Kerry" I1 Spending and Services Placement: Dem party" I1 Spending and Services Placement: Rep party" I2 Defense spending - 7-point scale self-placement" C GOVT SHOULD DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING -- GOVT SHOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING I1 Importance of defense spending issue to R" I1 Defense spending scale: GW Bush placement" I1 Defense spending scale: Kerry placement" I1 Defense spending scale: Dem party placement" I1 Defense spending scale: Rep party placement" I2 Job and Good Standard of Living -scale self-placement" C GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING -- GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN I1 Importance of guaranteed jobs/standard living issue" I1 Job and Good Standard of Living - GW Bush placement" I1 Job and Good Standard of Living - Kerry placement" I1 Job and Good Standard of Living - Dem party placement" I1 Job and Good Standard of Living - Rep party placement" I2 Government assistance to blacks-7 point scale self-pl" C GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS -- BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES I1 Importance of aid to blacks issue to R" I1 Aid to blacks Placement: GW Bush" I1 Aid to blacks Placement: Kerry" I1 Aid to blacks Placement: Dem party" I1 Aid to blacks Placement: Rep party" I2 Women's role - 7-point scale self-placement" C WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES -- A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME I1 How important is the issue of women's equal role" I1 Women's role - GW Bush placement" I1 Women's role - Kerry placement" I1 Women's role - Dem party placement" I1 Women's role - Rep party placement" I2 Age (18 - 90, 00, 98, 99 missing) I1 Education (1=1-8, 2=9-11, 3=HS, 4=SC, 5=2YR degree, 6=BA, 7=Advanced, 0,8,9=Missing) {end of 2nd line of format statement} I2 Income -- 01. None or less than $2,999 02. $3,000 - $4,999 03. $5,000 - $6,999 04. $7,000 - $8,999 05. $9,000 - 10,999 06. $11,000- $12,999 07. $13,000- $14,999 08. $15,000- $16,999 09. $17,000- $19,999 10. $20,000- $21,999 11. $22,000- $24,999 12. $25,000- $29,999 13. $30,000- $34,999 14. $35,000- $39,999 15. $40,000- $44,999 16. $45,000- $49,999 17. $50,000- $59,999 18. $60,000- $69,999 19. $70,000- $79,999 20. $80,000- $89,999 21. $90,000-$104,999 22. $105,000-$119,000 23. $120,000 and over 00 and > 24 missing I2 Race 10=Black (12,13,14,15, mixed Race) 20=Asian (23,24,25, mixed Race) 30=Native American (34,35, mixed Race) 40=Hispanic (45, mixed Race) 50=White 70=Other 88, 89, and all else missing I1 Voted?? (1=Voter, 2=Nonvoter Registered, 3=Nonvoter not Registered) 0,4,5,6,7,8,9 Missing I1 Who Voted For (1=Kerry, 3=Bush, 5=Nader, 7,8,9,0=Missing) I3 Feeling Thermometer: Hispanics (Hispanic-Americans)" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Christian Fundamentalists" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Catholics" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Feminists" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Federal Government in Washington" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Jews" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Liberals" I3 Feeling Thermometer - middle class people" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Labor Unions" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Poor people" I3 Feeling Thermometer: The Military" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Big Business" I3 Feeling Thermometer: People on welfare" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Conservatives" I3 Feeling Thermometer: working class people" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Older people (the elderly)" I3 Feeling Thermometer: environmentalists" I3 Feeling Thermometer: U.S. Supreme Court" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Gay Men and Lesbians" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Asian Americans" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Congress" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Blacks" I3 Feeling Thermometer - Southerners" I3 Feeling Thermometer - men" I3 Feeling Thermometer - young people" I3 Feeling Thermometer - illegal immigrants" I3 Feeling Thermometer - rich people" I3 Feeling Thermometer - women" I3 Feeling Thermometer - business people" I3 Feeling Thermometer - the Catholic Church" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Whites" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Israel" I3 Feeling Thermometer: Muslims" {end of 3rd line of format statement}Here is what UNFOLD_ELEC2004.CTL looks like:
ELEC2004.DAT 14 2 2 10 0 0 1 1 0 4 3 .001 -0.02 2.0 2.0 1.5 0.0 100.0 (1X,4A1,18X,14F3.0) 777888889 BUSH KERRY NADER CHENEY EDWARDS LBUSH HCLINTON BCLINTON POWELL ASHCROFT MCCAIN DEMPARTY REPPARTY REAGANRun MLSMU6.EXE and get the FORT.22 file. It should look something like this:
BUSH 0.7726 0.2609 160.6132 0.7489 1212.0000 KERRY -0.8656 0.0173 116.4007 0.6712 1212.0000 NADER 0.2228 -1.1055 235.2280 0.3139 1212.0000 CHENEY 0.9038 0.3055 162.0310 0.6294 1212.0000 EDWARDS -0.6827 -0.5858 209.5535 0.5072 1212.0000 LBUSH 0.5631 0.0922 164.3826 0.5649 1212.0000 HCLINTON -0.7768 0.2583 194.4952 0.6520 1212.0000 BCLINTON -0.7275 0.1688 186.9217 0.6771 1212.0000 POWELL 0.3977 -0.1706 179.2403 0.4747 1212.0000 ASHCROFT 0.7728 -0.8225 254.4220 0.4285 1212.0000 MCCAIN 0.2972 -0.7873 247.2073 0.4570 1212.0000 DEMPARTY -0.7286 0.1384 133.5416 0.5838 1212.0000 REPPARTY 0.7826 0.3116 132.1382 0.6533 1212.0000 REAGAN 0.3954 0.2187 213.8857 0.4808 1212.0000 1 -0.2800 -0.9550 7.6844 0.0104 14.0000 2 -0.3859 0.2049 0.9326 0.7621 14.0000 3 0.4892 0.0238 1.1449 0.7892 14.0000 4 -0.2549 0.2999 4.8528 0.1328 14.0000 5 0.8806 -0.0846 1.4779 0.9158 14.0000 etc etc etc