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The aim of this problem is to study the effect that being chosen as a
Vice Presidential running mate has on a Senator's roll call voting record. We are
going to start with Senator Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania who was selected by
Ronald Reagan to be his running mate in 1976 just prior to the Republican convention.
Download the following roll call data sets:
Senate Roll Call Matrix
Senate Roll Call Matrix
Combined 94th and 95th
Senate Roll Call Matrix
The combined data matrix has one record for each unique Senator
who served in either or both the 94th and 95th Senates.
In effect, we are treating the two Senates as if they were one Congress.
If a member served in both Senates then his record contains both the 1311
roll calls for the 94th plus the 1156 roll calls for the
95th for a total of 2467 roll calls. If a member served in the
94th but not the 95th, then his record has the 1311
votes for the 94th followed by 1156 zeroes (in other words, it
is as if he did not vote in the 2nd half of the "Congress").
If a member served in the
95th but not the 94th, then his record has 1311 zeroes
for the 94th followed by the 1156 votes in the 95th
(in other words, it
is as if he did not vote in the 1st half of the "Congress").
When we use the combined matrix we are assuming that
Senators do not change their ideal points between Senates!
We are going to start by running these three roll call matrices through
a large-matrix version of my optimal classification program --
PERFL_2006. This version has been dimensioned
large enough so that we can analyze roll call matrices with up to 21000 roll
call votes. Download the program and its "control card" file and place them
in the same directory as the roll call votes.
Large Version Maximum Classification Program -- Can be
compiled with gfortran. (The R Package can be accessed from
this page.)
Control Card File for Classification
The control card file for a one dimensional scaling looks like this:
1 2467 10 19 2 4 20 0.025 3
Run PERFL_2006 in one, two, and three
dimensions on all three roll call matrices. Report the one, two, and three dimensional
correct classification percentages and use Excel to make a graph of the eigenvalues
of the double-centered squared distance matrix computed from the agreement scores from the
combined matrix.
Use SPSS to make a graph of the two dimensional results of all three
scalings. In the combined scaling, note that Schweiker is represented as three
points! -- one constraining him to be at the same point for both Congresses, one
for his voting in the 94th only, and one for the 95th only. Highlight
Schweiker's ideal points on all of your plots.
Put the coordinate output files into Excel and compute the correlations
between the corresponding two and three dimensional solutions for all three matrices. Note
that this will require some ingenuity on your part because not all the Senators served
in both Senates and note that the rows in the combined file are slightly different from
the rows in the 94th and 95th files. Report the correlations
one dimension at a time for each dimensionality using the format below:
One Dimension Scalings
PERF 1d 1
KYST 1d -0.92682 1
WNOM 1d -0.95408 0.990908 1
Two Dimensional Scalings
1 PERF 2d 1 KYST 2d 1 WNOM 2d
1 PERF 2d 1
1 KYST 2d 0.99034 1
1 WNOM 2d 1 0.99034 1
2 PERF 2d 2 KYST 2d 2 WNOM 2d
2 PERF 2d 1
2 KYST 2d 0.592688 1
2 WNOM 2d 1 0.592688 1
Download HOUSYM3.FOR and its control card file
below. It is a large version of the HOUSYM3 program
we used in previous homeworks to compute an agreement score matrix.
HOUSYM3.F95 -- FORTRAN 95 Agreement Score Program. Can easily
be compiled with gfortran.
symstrt3.dat -- Control Card File for HOUSYM3
Use HOUSYM3 to get an agreement score matrix
for the 94th, 95th, and combined 94th and
95th Senates. Run the three agreement score matrices
through KYST. Report the one, two, and three dimensional
STRESS values for each matrix and use Excel to compute the correlations
between the two and three dimensional coordinates from
KYST with those from
In prepartion for our project to study whether or not Senator Lieberman of
Connecticut changed his voting behavior because of his selection as former Vice President
Gore's running mate in 2000, you need to download all the Senate roll call votes taken to date
U.S. Congress Web Site (Thomas)
Using your browser, save the roll call vote web pages as text files! Using
Epsilon inset the following text at the very
top of each web page:
followed by the vote number twice so it looks like this:
****ROLL CALL NUMBER**** 12 12 Vote Number 12
U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes
107th Congress - 1st Session (2001)
as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk
under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate
This is the 12th roll call vote. Note that the blank lines will
be present when you save the web page as a text file (don't worry about the
blank lines).
Download the 105th Senate roll call votes
105th Senate Roll Call
and run PERFL_2006 in one dimension (there are 612 roll
call votes). Take the rank ordering (remember that in PERF25.DAT the Senators
are shown first sorted in rank order) and find the cutpoint that best classifies the
Ashcroft confirmation vote (number 8, 1 February 2001). Note that you are using the
105th Senate to classify a vote in the 107th so that there will
be a number of missing Senators. Compare your results to those I have posted on
my website under "analyses of recent politics." Based upon his rank position in
the 105th, should Senator Lieberman have voted for Ashcroft? Turn in all
of your calculations.