Eighth Assignment
Due 29 October 2001
cong2 byte %8.0g congress no. icpsrid2 long %12.0g id no (icpsr and Poole/Rosenthal) state byte %8.0g icpsr state code district byte %8.0g cong. district no. statenm3 str7 %9s name of state party2 int %8.0g political party name3 str11 %11s name of member dwnom1n float %9.0g 1st dim. dw-nom. 106th dwnom2n float %9.0g 2nd dim. dw-nom. 106thFollow the instructions shown in part 1 of Homework 3 to merge this file into HDMG105ZZ.DTA. Sort on state and district in both files! Rename your STATA file HDMG106.DTA, do the d and summ commands, and report the results.
. regress carmon nicot tar weight if litedum==0 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 18 ---------+------------------------------ F( 3, 14) = 68.15 Model | 467.096051 3 155.698684 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 31.9839391 14 2.28456708 R-squared = 0.9359 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9222 Total | 499.07999 17 29.3576465 Root MSE = 1.5115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ carmon | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- nicot | -2.282413 5.320555 -0.429 0.674 -13.69387 9.129043 tar | .9897387 .3369055 2.938 0.011 .2671483 1.712329 weight | -4.604357 4.923935 -0.935 0.366 -15.16515 5.956433 _cons | 6.669547 4.326866 1.541 0.146 -2.610657 15.94975 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Replicate the Chow Forecast Test discussed on pages V-13 to V-16. To do this, sort the data using the tar variable: