PRINT HISTORY, PRINT DISTANCES Outputs some useful data we can use later TORSCA Method to get initial starting configuration PRE-ITERATIONS=3 Number Iterations to Improve starting config. DIMMAX=2,DIMMIN=2 Maximum & Minimum Number of Dimensions COORDINATES=ROTATE Rotate Coordinates so Principal Components lie along axes ITERATIONS=50 Maximum Number of Iterations REGRESSION=POLYNOMIAL=1 Regression for Similarities -- METRIC MDS DATA,LOWERHALFMATRIX,DIAGONAL=PRESENT,CUTOFF=0.0 Anything below 0.0 is Missing Data GEORGIA DRIVING DISTANCES Title 14 1 1 14 = # of Cities; Always set the next two numbers = 1 (13X,101F6.0) Format Statement For Dataset Albany 000 37 165 204 173 86 216 103 157 222 209 177 79 114 Americus 37 000 129 187 197 60 180 70 104 186 202 166 116 144 Atlanta 165 129 000 147 268 106 54 82 91 66 246 199 226 232 Augusta 204 187 147 000 183 219 137 124 91 212 122 78 220 172 Brunswick 173 197 268 183 000 250 292 186 189 332 76 105 122 60 Columbus 86 60 106 219 250 000 159 95 129 139 253 214 165 198 Gainesville 216 180 54 137 292 159 000 119 107 87 247 202 268 266 Macon 103 70 82 124 186 95 119 000 34 147 165 121 150 151 Milledgeville 157 104 91 91 189 129 107 34 000 156 159 108 180 162 Rome 222 186 66 212 332 139 87 147 156 000 311 264 291 297 Savannah 209 202 246 122 76 253 247 165 159 311 000 53 166 104 Statesboro 177 166 199 78 105 214 202 121 108 264 53 000 161 99 Valdosta 79 116 226 220 122 165 268 150 180 291 166 161 000 62 Waycross 114 144 232 172 60 198 266 151 162 297 104 99 62 000 COMPUTE These two Lines STOP Must Always be IncludedYou must run the program from a DOS Window. To run the program type:
# The cross-hatch is used as a comment marker -- R ignores the line # plot_georgia.r -- Does a graph of the 14 Cities using KYST output Always put the name of the program at the top # file gacoords.dat # # Albany 0.132 0.828 This is not necessary but I have no memory # Americus -0.144 0.621 so I always put in the file if its small so # Atlanta -0.960 -0.088 I do not forget what I am doing! # Augusta 0.032 -0.939 # Brunswick 1.319 -0.094 # Columbus -0.620 0.743 # Gainesville -1.087 -0.552 # Macon -0.257 0.024 # Milledgeville -0.267 -0.300 # Rome -1.530 -0.012 # Savannah 1.017 -0.647 # Statesboro 0.605 -0.576 # Valdosta 0.790 0.755 # Waycross 0.969 0.236 # # # Remove all objects just to be safe # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) This is not strictly necessary but I do not trust R # library(MASS) This is a standard R library # # # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The next set of commands read the file. # Read gacoords.dat This is admitedly clunky way of doing things # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% but it is bulletproof if you are careful. # rcx.file <- "c:/uga_course_homework_1/gacoords.dat" Path to the File -- You need the quotes. # # Standard fields and their widths -- KYST output Legislators # rcx.fields <- c("name","dim1","dim2") You need to name the columns. rcx.fieldWidths <- c(13,7,7) You need to give it the exact widths of the columns # # Input City Coordinates # T <- read.fwf(file=rcx.file,widths=rcx.fieldWidths,,col.names=rcx.fields) The Read Statement dim(T) This Turns it into an R dataframe (which looks like a matrix) #T <- as.matrix(T) If you do not have any text in the dataset this command # is handy because it makes your input data a true matrix and not a dataframe names <- T[,1] dimension1 <- T[,2] These three commands just make life easier -- they are dimension2 <- T[,3] not necessary # # nrow <- length(T[,1]) Here is how you can figure out the number of variables ncol <- length(T[1,]) and the number of columns # # # # This puts more white space # on the Right-Hand-Side Margin # par(mar=c(4.1,5.1,4.1,5.1)) This controls the margins on all 4 sides of the plot # # plot(dimension1,dimension2,type="n",asp=1, The "n" says no visible plot; asp=1 means main="", maintain the aspect ratio xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(-2.0,2.0),ylim=c(-2.0,2.0)) These have to be the same for asp=1 to work points(dimension1,dimension2,pch=16,col="red") Plot the Points axis(1,font=2) Horizontal axis in bold font axis(2,font=2,cex=1.2) Vertical axis in bold font # Main title mtext("Georgia Cities From Driving Distances",side=3,line=1.00,cex=1.2,font=2) Side 3 is the top # x-axis title line= controls position mtext("This Seems to be Rotated",side=1,line=2.75,cex=1.2) # y-axis title mtext("Who the Heck Knows",side=2,line=2.5,cex=1.2) # # pos -- a position specifier for the text. Values of 1, 2, 3 and 4, # respectively indicate positions below, to the left of, above and # to the right of the specified coordinates # namepos <- rep(4,nrow) This generates a nrow-length vector of 4's # #namepos[1] <- 4 # Albany #namepos[2] <- 4 # Americus I stuck in the City Names so #namepos[3] <- 4 # Atlanta You can control their positions #namepos[4] <- 4 # Augusta #namepos[5] <- 4 # Brunswick #namepos[6] <- 4 # Columbus #namepos[7] <- 4 # Gainesville #namepos[8] <- 4 # Macon #namepos[9] <- 4 # Milledgeville #namepos[10] <- 4 # Rome #namepos[11] <- 4 # Savannah #namepos[12] <- 4 # Statesboro #namepos[13] <- 4 # Valdosta #namepos[14] <- 4 # Waycross # text(dimension1,dimension2,names,pos=namepos,offset=00.00,col="blue") This Plots the Names. # The offset= adjusts how far the name is from the point.
pi <- 3.141592653589793 pi4 <- pi/4 dimension1 <- cos(pi4)*T[,2] + sin(pi4)*(-1.0)*T[,3] dimension2 <- sin(pi4)*(-1.0)*T[,2] + cos(pi4)*(-1.0)*T[,3]Note that I have flipped the sign on the second dimension in the formula above.
PRINT HISTORY, PRINT DISTANCES This Option Prints out Some Useful Intermediate Output DIMMAX=3, DIMMIN=1 TORSCA REGRESSION=POLYNOMIAL=1 METRIC MDS DATA,LOWERHALFMATRIX,DIAGONAL=PRESENT,CUTOFF=0.0 U.S. MAP EXAMPLE 10 1 1 (10f5.0) 0000 2340 0000 1084 2797 0000 715 1789 976 0000 481 2018 853 301 0000 826 1661 1868 936 988 0000 1519 891 2008 1017 1245 797 0000 2252 908 3130 2189 2292 1431 1189 0000 662 2974 1547 1386 1143 1394 2126 2885 0000 641 2480 443 696 498 1414 1707 2754 1096 0000 COMPUTE STOPRun this data set through KYST and get the coordinates.
TORSCA PRE-ITERATIONS=3 DIMMAX=2,DIMMIN=2 PRINT HISTORY,PRINT DISTANCES COORDINATES=ROTATE ITERATIONS=50 REGRESSION=DESCENDING DATA,LOWERHALFMATRIX,DIAGONAL=PRESENT MORSE CODE DATA -- SIMILARITIES EXAMPLE 36 1 1 (1X,36F3.0) A 92 4 6 13 3 14 10 13 46 5 22 3 25 34 6 6 9 35 23 6 37 13 17 12 7 3 2 7 5 5 8 6 5 6 2 3 A B 5 84 37 31 5 28 17 21 5 19 34 40 6 10 12 22 25 16 18 2 18 34 8 84 30 42 12 17 14 40 32 74 43 17 4 4 B C 4 38 87 17 4 29 13 7 11 19 24 35 14 3 9 51 34 24 14 6 6 11 14 32 82 38 13 15 31 14 10 30 28 24 18 12 C D 8 62 17 88 7 23 40 36 9 13 81 56 8 7 9 27 9 45 29 6 17 20 27 40 15 33 3 9 6 11 9 19 8 10 5 6 D E 6 13 14 6 97 2 4 4 17 1 5 6 4 4 5 1 5 10 7 67 3 3 2 5 6 5 4 3 5 3 5 2 4 2 3 3 E F 4 51 33 19 2 90 10 29 5 33 16 50 7 6 10 42 12 35 14 2 21 27 25 19 27 13 8 16 47 25 26 24 21 5 5 5 F G 9 18 27 38 1 14 90 6 5 22 33 16 14 13 62 52 23 21 5 3 15 14 32 21 23 39 15 14 5 10 4 10 17 23 20 11 G H 3 45 23 25 9 32 8 87 10 10 9 29 5 8 8 14 8 17 37 4 36 59 9 33 14 11 3 9 15 43 70 35 17 4 3 3 H I 64 7 7 13 10 8 6 12 93 3 5 16 13 30 7 3 5 19 35 16 10 5 8 2 5 7 2 5 8 9 6 8 5 2 4 5 I J 7 9 38 9 2 24 18 5 4 85 22 31 8 3 21 63 47 11 2 7 9 9 9 22 32 28 67 66 33 15 7 11 28 29 26 23 J K 5 24 38 73 1 17 25 11 5 27 91 33 10 12 31 14 31 22 2 2 23 17 33 63 16 18 5 9 17 8 8 18 14 13 5 6 K L 2 69 43 45 10 24 12 26 9 30 27 86 6 2 9 37 36 28 12 5 16 19 20 31 25 59 12 13 17 15 26 29 36 16 7 3 L M 24 12 5 14 7 17 29 8 8 11 23 8 96 62 11 10 15 20 7 9 13 4 21 9 18 8 5 7 6 6 5 7 11 7 10 4 M N 31 4 13 30 8 12 10 16 13 3 16 8 59 93 5 9 5 28 12 10 16 4 12 4 16 11 5 2 3 4 4 6 2 2 10 2 N O 7 7 20 6 5 9 76 7 2 39 26 10 4 8 86 37 35 10 3 4 11 14 25 35 27 27 19 17 7 7 6 18 14 11 20 12 O P 5 22 33 12 5 36 22 12 3 78 14 46 5 6 21 83 43 23 9 4 12 19 19 19 41 30 34 44 24 11 15 17 24 23 25 13 P Q 8 20 38 11 4 15 10 5 2 27 23 26 7 6 22 51 91 11 2 3 6 14 12 37 50 63 34 32 17 12 9 27 40 58 37 24 Q R 13 14 16 23 5 34 26 15 7 12 21 33 14 12 12 29 8 87 16 2 23 23 62 14 12 13 7 10 13 4 7 12 7 9 1 2 R S 17 24 5 30 11 26 5 59 16 3 13 10 5 17 6 6 3 18 96 9 56 24 12 10 6 7 8 2 2 15 28 9 5 5 5 2 S T 13 10 1 5 46 3 6 6 14 6 14 7 6 5 6 11 4 4 7 96 8 5 4 2 2 6 5 5 3 3 3 8 7 6 14 6 T U 14 29 12 32 4 32 11 34 21 7 44 32 11 13 6 20 12 40 51 6 93 57 34 17 9 11 6 6 16 34 10 9 9 7 4 3 U V 5 17 24 16 9 29 6 39 5 11 26 43 4 1 9 17 10 17 11 6 32 92 17 57 35 10 10 14 28 79 44 36 25 10 1 5 V W 9 21 30 22 9 36 25 15 4 25 29 18 15 6 26 20 25 61 12 4 19 20 86 22 25 22 10 22 19 16 5 9 11 6 3 7 W X 7 64 45 19 3 28 11 6 1 35 50 42 10 8 24 32 61 10 12 3 12 17 21 91 48 26 12 20 24 27 16 57 29 16 17 6 X Y 9 23 62 15 4 26 22 9 1 30 12 14 5 6 14 30 52 5 7 4 6 13 21 44 86 23 26 44 40 15 11 26 22 33 23 16 Y Z 3 46 45 18 2 22 17 10 7 23 21 51 11 2 15 59 72 14 4 3 9 11 12 36 42 87 16 21 27 9 10 25 66 47 15 15 Z 1 2 5 10 3 3 5 13 4 2 29 5 14 9 7 14 30 28 9 4 2 3 12 14 17 19 22 84 63 13 8 10 8 19 32 57 55 1 2 7 14 22 5 4 20 13 3 25 26 9 14 2 3 17 37 28 6 5 3 6 10 11 17 30 13 62 89 54 20 5 14 20 21 16 11 2 3 3 8 21 5 4 32 6 12 2 23 6 13 5 2 5 37 19 9 7 6 4 16 6 22 25 12 18 64 86 31 23 41 16 17 8 10 3 4 6 19 19 12 8 25 14 16 7 21 13 19 3 3 2 17 29 11 9 3 17 55 8 37 24 3 5 26 44 89 42 44 32 10 3 3 4 5 8 45 15 14 2 45 4 67 7 14 4 41 2 0 4 13 7 9 27 2 14 45 7 45 10 10 14 10 30 69 90 42 24 10 6 5 5 6 7 80 30 17 4 23 4 14 2 11 11 27 6 2 7 16 30 11 14 3 12 30 9 58 38 39 15 14 26 24 17 88 69 14 5 14 6 7 6 33 22 14 5 25 6 4 6 24 13 32 7 6 7 36 39 12 6 2 3 13 9 30 30 50 22 29 18 15 12 61 85 70 20 13 7 8 3 23 40 6 3 15 15 6 2 33 10 14 3 6 14 12 45 2 6 4 6 7 5 24 35 50 42 29 16 16 9 30 60 89 61 26 8 9 3 14 23 3 1 6 14 5 2 30 6 7 16 11 10 31 32 5 6 7 6 3 8 11 21 24 57 39 9 12 4 11 42 56 91 78 9 0 9 3 11 2 5 7 14 4 5 30 8 3 2 3 25 21 29 2 3 4 5 3 2 12 15 20 50 26 9 11 5 22 17 52 81 94 0 COMPUTE STOPThis is the famous morse code data. If you compare this file to MORSEKYSTSU.DAT they are exactly the same except the matrix is transposed.