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1968 Candidate Correlation Matrix From Feeling Thermometers

Wallace        1.00000000 -0.31084000  0.01690949 -0.12829423  0.20541147 -0.15166912 -0.22895214 -0.05678982 -0.24267755 -0.25461058  0.15144745  0.67310863
Humphrey      -0.31084004  1.00000000 -0.20110046  0.24490592 -0.18243913  0.16139536  0.72505837  0.17553258  0.56580389  0.57914979 -0.11676616 -0.21441654
Nixon          0.01690949 -0.20110050  1.00000000  0.07793609  0.43308485  0.12320069 -0.12482333  0.24185490 -0.16285031 -0.10932521  0.61526180  0.16037192
McCarthy      -0.12829423  0.24490590  0.07793609  1.00000000  0.10733725  0.33037404  0.12762227  0.33899656  0.33709981  0.29546037  0.12993322 -0.02029835
Reagan         0.20541147 -0.18243910  0.43308485  0.10733725  1.00000000  0.19406668 -0.10886516  0.31202625 -0.11927063 -0.07174714  0.45221668  0.28220904
Rockefeller   -0.15166912  0.16139540  0.12320069  0.33037404  0.19406668  1.00000000  0.16208807  0.33614623  0.23225289  0.27588847  0.13234536 -0.04765406
LBJ           -0.22895214  0.72505840 -0.12482333  0.12762227 -0.10886516  0.16208807  1.00000000  0.23864379  0.50346976  0.46756523 -0.04923745 -0.08869045
Romney        -0.05678982  0.17553260  0.24185490  0.33899656  0.31202625  0.33614623  0.23864379  1.00000000  0.25819930  0.25371406  0.34315597  0.10769359
Kennedy       -0.24267755  0.56580390 -0.16285031  0.33709981 -0.11927063  0.23225289  0.50346976  0.25819930  1.00000000  0.43486416 -0.03023946 -0.12693676
Muskie        -0.25461058  0.57914980 -0.10932521  0.29546037 -0.07174714  0.27588847  0.46756523  0.25371406  0.43486416  1.00000000 -0.03742855 -0.16426339
Agnew          0.15144745 -0.11676620  0.61526180  0.12993322  0.45221668  0.13234536 -0.04923745  0.34315597 -0.03023946 -0.03742855  1.00000000  0.33279313
Lemay          0.67310863 -0.21441650  0.16037192 -0.02029835  0.28220904 -0.04765406 -0.08869045  0.10769359 -0.12693676 -0.16426339  0.33279313  1.00000000