First Assignment
Due 31 October 2004
C-U3 [!string-search] ucsd C-MC-BC-KC-AC-NC-XnC-YC-MC-Xp C-U3 repeats the string-search command 3 times. [!string-search] ucsd C-M is the search command -- C-M is a carriage-return C-B backs the cursor up one character C-K places the string to the right of the cursor in the kill buffer C-A places the cursor at the beginning of the line C-N moves the cursor down one line C-Xn moves the cursor down to the next window C-Y yanks the string from the kill buffer C-M is equivalent to hitting Enter (a carriage-return) C-Xp moves the cursor up one windowTo run it, use the command Alt-X to bring up the Command: banner and then type homework-part-1: