Second Assignment
Due 25 April 2007
# # # # Shepard_Plot_Driving_Distances.r -- Does Shepard Plot of Driving Distances # for Cities Problem in Homeworks 1 and 2 # UCSD 2006 # # # Remove all objects just to be safe # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) library(MASS) # T <- matrix(scan("C:/ucsd_homework_1/driving_distances_ordered.txt",0),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) # You Created this in Question 1a nrow <- length(T[,1]) ncol <- length(T[1,]) # This sets up a plot with the horizontal axis plot(T[,1], T[,2],type="n",main="",xlab="",ylab="", being the observed data (DATA) and vertical axis xlim=c(0,3200),ylim=c(0,3),font=2) being the reproduced distances (DIST) points(T[,1], T[,2],pch=16,col="red",cex=1.2) This Plots the Distances (DIST) points(T[,1], T[,3],pch=16,col="blue",cex=1.2) This Plots the D-HATs (DHAT) # # The "S" means "stair-steps" # lines(T[,1], T[,3],lty=1,lwd=2,type = "S",font=2) Draws lines between points essentially in # "city block" style # Main title mtext("Shepard Diagram for Driving Distances",side=3,line=1.00,cex=1.2,font=2) Side 3 = Top # x-axis title mtext("Observed Dissimilarities",side=1,line=2.75,font=2,cex=1.2) Side 1 = bottom # y-axis title mtext("Estimated Dissimilarities (D-hats)",side=2,line=2.75,font=2,cex=1.2) Side 2 = left side #Note that the stairstep plot is almost perfect. We can see this by computing the Pearson correlation between the driving distances (DATA) and the distances from the spatial map (DIST). This can be done with the simple R Command:
TORSCA PRE-ITERATIONS=3 PRINT HISTORY,PRINT DISTANCES DIMMAX=2,DIMMIN=1 COORDINATES=ROTATE ITERATIONS=25 REGRESSION=DESCENDING DATA,LOWERHALFMATRIX,DIAGONAL=PRESENT,CUTOFF=.01 U. S. SUPREME COURT AGREEMENT SCORES 32 1 1 (12X,101F3.0) BURGER 100 BLACKMUN 81100 etc etc etc etc etc etcNow run KYST as described in Question 1) of homework one. Bring the Printer Output file (SUPREME.PRN or whatever you want to call it) up in Epsilon and page down until you see the following:
# # # # Drive_MDS.r -- Set up to do Simple MDS on Driving Distance Data # # ATLANTA 0000 2340 1084 715 481 826 1519 2252 662 641 # BOISE 2340 0000 2797 1789 2018 1661 891 908 2974 2480 # BOSTON 1084 2797 0000 976 853 1868 2008 3130 1547 443 # CHICAGO 715 1789 976 0000 301 936 1017 2189 1386 696 # CINCINNATI 481 2018 853 301 0000 988 1245 2292 1143 498 # DALLAS 826 1661 1868 936 988 0000 797 1431 1394 1414 # DENVER 1519 891 2008 1017 1245 797 0000 1189 2126 1707 # LOS ANGELES 2252 908 3130 2189 2292 1431 1189 0000 2885 2754 # MIAMI 662 2974 1547 1386 1143 1394 2126 2885 0000 1096 # WASHINGTON 641 2480 443 696 498 1414 1707 2754 1096 0000 # # Remove all objects just to be safe # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) library(MASS) # T <- matrix(scan("C:/ucsd_homework_1/driver2_full.dat",0),ncol=10,byrow=TRUE) maxT <- max(T) This finds the maximum entry in the 10 by 10 Matrix T T <- T/maxT This makes the maximum entry in T = 1.0 # This is handy because the R KYST Program does not like large Distances! nrow <- length(T[,1]) ncol <- length(T[1,]) # # # Labels For Cities This is Just like problem 2) of Homework 1 -- Supreme Court Plot # junk <- NULL junk[1] <- "Atlanta" junk[2] <- "Boise" junk[3] <- "Boston" junk[4] <- "Chicago" junk[5] <- "Cincinnati" junk[6] <- "Dallas" junk[7] <- "Denver" junk[8] <- "Los Angeles" junk[9] <- "Miami" junk[10] <- "Washington" # namepos <- rep(2,nrow) This is Just like problem 2) of Homework 1 -- Supreme Court Plot # namepos[1] <- 2 # Atlanta namepos[2] <- 2 # Boise namepos[3] <- 2 # Boston namepos[4] <- 2 # Chicago namepos[5] <- 2 # Cincinnati namepos[6] <- 2 # Dallas namepos[7] <- 2 # Denver namepos[8] <- 2 # Los Angeles namepos[9] <- 2 # Miami namepos[10] <- 2 # Washington # # Call Classical Kruskal-Young-Shepard-Torgerson Non-Metric # Multidimensional Scaling Program # # T -- Input # dim=2 -- number of dimensions # y -- starting configuration (generated internally) # # Scale in two dimensions # kdim <- 2 Set the Number of Dimensions y <- rep(0,kdim*ncol) The Program wants to see the matrix y so dim(y) <- c(ncol,kdim) we create it here # # Call Kruskal NonMetric MDS # drivenmds <- isoMDS(T,y=cmdscale(T,kdim),kdim, maxit=50) Here is the call to KYST. Note that # we store the output in the data # structure drivenmds: # PLOT FUNCTIONS HERE drivenmds$points[,kdim] # drivenmds$stress -- multiply by 0.01 # # Main title Your Plot will be like this: # plot(drivenmds$points[,1],drivenmds$points[,2],type="n",asp=1,etc etc # mtext("City Map",side=3,line=1.00,cex=1.2,font=2) # x-axis title mtext("",side=1,line=2.75,font=2,cex=1.2) # y-axis title mtext("",side=2,line=2.75,font=2,cex=1.2) # #Modify this program to make a nice looking plot of the cities. Turn in the plot and the final version of the above R program you develop to do the plot.
############################################################################################ # Example: SIMPLE GIBBS SAMPLING FOR BIVARIATE EXPONENTIAL # ############################################################################################ # # # This archive is part of the free distribution of data and statistical software code for # # "Bayesian Methods: A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach" by Jeff Gill (c) 2002. # # You are free to use, modify, distribute, publish, etc. provided attribution. Please # # forward bugs, complaints, comments, and useful changes to: jgill@ucdavis.edu. # # # ############################################################################################ # # # This example shows the simple workings of a Gibbs sampler in the bivariate case where # # both are conditionally exponential. Try varying the parameters such as B, k, and m. # # The graph can be modified to overly a density estimator. # # # ############################################################################################ # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) I added this # B <- 5; k <- 15; m <- 500; x <- NULL; y <- NULL Initialize Values while (length(x) < m) { x.val <- c(runif(1,0,B),rep((B+1),length=k)) Draw 1 uniform random number from (0,B) y.val <- c(runif(1,0,B),rep((B+1),length=k)) and fill the rest of the vector with 6's for (j in 2:(k+1)) { while(x.val[j] > B) x.val[j] <- rexp(1,y.val[j-1]) Draw 1 random value from the Exponential With parameter y.val[j-1] while(y.val[j] > B) y.val[j] <- rexp(1,x.val[j]) Take random value from above use it as the parameter } for an Exponential and draw a value randomly from that Exponential distribution x <- c(x,x.val[(k+1)]) Store the Values y <- c(y,y.val[(k+1)]) } # # These Commands Were Modified by Keith Poole (April 2006) # par(mfrow=c(1,2),mar=c(3,2,1,1),oma=c(3,1,1,1)) mfrow=c(1,2) makes a 2-panel plotting window # mar=c(3,2,1,1) are the 4-side margins # oma=c(3,2,1,1) assigns a number of lines to the 4 sides # x.plot <- hist(x,breaks=20,plot=FALSE) Histogram Call -- br=c(.20*0:25) creates breaks # every .2 units from 0.0 to 5.0 barplot(height=x.plot$counts/length(x),col="gray",axes=TRUE) axis(1, c(0,6,12,18,24,30), 0:5,font=2) This is how you match up the 0 - 5 to the range of the barplot!! mtext(side=1,cex=1.2,"Marginal Distribution of x",line=3) # y.plot <- hist(y,breaks=20,plot=FALSE) barplot(height=y.plot$counts/length(y),col="gray") axis(1, c(0,6,12,18,24,30), 0:5,font=2) mtext(side=1,cex=1.2,"Marginal Distribution of y",line=3)