Note Set 7 Handouts
============================================================ LS // Dependent Variable is AWARD Date: 04/06/98 Time: 16:02 Sample(adjusted): 1 172 Included observations: 172 after adjusting endpoints ============================================================ Variable CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic Prob. ============================================================ C -219.7246 99.70033 -2.203850 0.0290 JURY 131.2040 27.68902 4.738487 0.0000 GOVT 184.5739 51.71879 3.568797 0.0005 CORP 63.02345 41.15354 1.531422 0.1276 SMLBIZ 67.23727 44.28586 1.518256 0.1309 CHILD 20.42367 7.348645 2.779243 0.0061 AREAPI 0.006719 0.002257 2.977685 0.0034 DATE 12.01050 2.577396 4.659934 0.0000 AGE -0.609246 1.694449 -0.359554 0.7197 EARN 10.72572 2.636861 4.067608 0.0001 AGE*EARN -0.117276 0.058843 -1.993018 0.0479 ============================================================ R-squared 0.672176 Mean dependent var 376.6977 Adjusted R-squared 0.651814 S.D. dependent var 266.3115 S.E. of regression 157.1431 Akaike info criter 10.17613 Sum squared resid 3975726. Schwarz criterion 10.37742 Log likelihood -1108.205 F-statistic 33.01174 Durbin-Watson stat 2.283853 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 ============================================================LS AWARD C JURY GOVT CORP SMLBIZ CHILD AREAPI DATE EARN AGE*EARN
============================================================ LS // Dependent Variable is AWARD Date: 04/07/98 Time: 12:07 Sample(adjusted): 1 172 Included observations: 172 after adjusting endpoints ============================================================ Variable CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic Prob. ============================================================ C -245.6668 68.62174 -3.580014 0.0005 JURY 131.3667 27.61082 4.757799 0.0000 GOVT 183.7901 51.53379 3.566401 0.0005 CORP 62.49885 41.01699 1.523731 0.1295 SMLBIZ 67.41718 44.16387 1.526524 0.1288 CHILD 20.89521 7.211218 2.897598 0.0043 AREAPI 0.006692 0.002249 2.975284 0.0034 DATE 11.94563 2.564156 4.658699 0.0000 EARN 11.46113 1.659713 6.905491 0.0000 AGE*EARN -0.133889 0.036336 -3.684737 0.0003 ============================================================ R-squared 0.671913 Mean dependent var 376.6977 Adjusted R-squared 0.653686 S.D. dependent var 266.3115 S.E. of regression 156.7202 Akaike info criter 10.16531 Sum squared resid 3978918. Schwarz criterion 10.34830 Log likelihood -1108.274 F-statistic 36.86348 Durbin-Watson stat 2.292752 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 ============================================================DELIV.WF1 Examples
============================================================ LS // Dependent Variable is MINS Date: 04/07/98 Time: 14:51 Sample: 1 30 Included observations: 30 ============================================================ Variable CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic Prob. ============================================================ 1-DUM 30.48637 14.09972 2.162196 0.0396 DUM 142.0664 14.09972 10.07583 0.0000 DELIVS 8.714911 0.390256 22.33125 0.0000 ============================================================ R-squared 0.966224 Mean dependent var 382.5833 Adjusted R-squared 0.963722 S.D. dependent var 96.97388 S.E. of regression 18.47030 Akaike info criter 5.926967 Sum squared resid 9211.101 Schwarz criterion 6.067087 Log likelihood -128.4727 F-statistic 386.1960 Durbin-Watson stat 2.693715 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 ============================================================AWARD.WF1 Examples (Cont.)
============================================================ LS // Dependent Variable is AWARD Date: 04/06/98 Time: 16:06 Sample(adjusted): 1 172 Included observations: 172 after adjusting endpoints ============================================================ Variable CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic Prob. ============================================================ IND -219.7246 99.70033 -2.203850 0.0290 JURY 131.2040 27.68902 4.738487 0.0000 GOVT -35.15074 99.41821 -0.353564 0.7241 CORP -156.7012 95.99882 -1.632324 0.1046 SMLBIZ -152.4873 96.92565 -1.573240 0.1176 CHILD 20.42367 7.348645 2.779243 0.0061 AREAPI 0.006719 0.002257 2.977685 0.0034 DATE 12.01050 2.577396 4.659934 0.0000 AGE -0.609246 1.694449 -0.359554 0.7197 EARN 10.72572 2.636861 4.067608 0.0001 AGE*EARN -0.117276 0.058843 -1.993018 0.0479 ============================================================ R-squared 0.672176 Mean dependent var 376.6977 Adjusted R-squared 0.651814 S.D. dependent var 266.3115 S.E. of regression 157.1431 Akaike info criter 10.17613 Sum squared resid 3975726. Schwarz criterion 10.37742 Log likelihood -1108.205 F-statistic 33.01174 Durbin-Watson stat 2.283853 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 ============================================================Under View, this is the Representation of the above equation:
Estimation Command: ===================== LS AWARD IND JURY GOVT CORP SMLBIZ CHILD AREAPI DATE AGE EARN AGE*EARN Estimation Equation: ===================== AWARD = C(1)*IND + C(2)*JURY + C(3)*GOVT + C(4)*CORP + C(5)*SMLBIZ + C(6)*CHILD + C(7)*AREAPI + C(8)*DATE + C(9)*AGE + C(10)*EARN + C(11)*(AGE*EARN) Substituted Coefficients: ===================== AWARD = -219.72462*IND + 131.20403*JURY - 35.150743*GOVT - 156.70117*CORP - 152.48734*SMLBIZ + 20.423668*CHILD + 0.006719395*AREAPI + 12.010495*DATE - 0.60924639*AGE + 10.725716*EARN - 0.11727551*(AGE*EARN)To test whether amount paid by corporations was different from that paid by individuals:
==================================================== Wald Test: Equation: Untitled ==================================================== Null HypothesisC(1)=C(4) ==================================================== F-statistic 2.345254 Probability 0.127628 Chi-square 2.345254 Probability 0.125665 ====================================================To test whether or not the amount paid by corporations differed from that paid by small business:
==================================================== Wald Test: Equation: Untitled ==================================================== Null HypothesisC(4)=C(5) ==================================================== F-statistic 0.019177 Probability 0.890034 Chi-square 0.019177 Probability 0.889861 ====================================================To test whether or not governments, corporations, and small businesses all paid the same amounts:
==================================================== Wald Test: Equation: Untitled ==================================================== Null HypothesisC(3)=C(5) C(4)=C(5) ==================================================== F-statistic 5.449718 Probability 0.005127 Chi-square 10.89944 Probability 0.004298 ====================================================