45-734 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS II Homework Answers #6 (4th Mini AY1997-98)

    1. The Correlogram for Y1 is shown below. It is somewhat ambiguous but it does indicate at least two and possibly three MA terms. I would try three MA terms first.
                            Correlogram of Y1
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 21:28                                            
      Sample: 1 100                                                           
      Included observations: 96                                               
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
        ******| .     |  ******| .     |  1-0.708-0.708 49.601 0.000          
            . |****   |      . | .     |  2 0.474-0.054 72.078 0.000          
            **| .     |      . | .     |  3-0.316-0.001 82.177 0.000          
            . |*.     |      **| .     |  4 0.108-0.207 83.360 0.000          
            . |*.     |      . |*.     |  5 0.104 0.190 84.479 0.000          
      LS Y1 C MA(1) MA(2) MA(3)
      LS // Dependent Variable is Y1                                        
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 21:31                                          
      Sample(adjusted): 5 100                                               
      Included observations: 96 after adjusting endpoints                   
      Convergence achieved after 23 iterations                              
            Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
               C          -0.024567   0.046734  -0.525667   0.6004          
             MA(1)        -0.445189   0.083942  -5.303556   0.0000          
             MA(2)         0.405915   0.086802   4.676344   0.0000          
             MA(3)        -0.580366   0.088593  -6.550918   0.0000          
      R-squared            0.497198    Mean dependent var-0.029085          
      Adjusted R-squared   0.480802    S.D. dependent var 1.601392          
      S.E. of regression   1.153889    Akaike info criter 0.327050          
      Sum squared resid    122.4943    Schwarz criterion  0.433897          
      Log likelihood      -147.9165    F-statistic        30.32489          
      Durbin-Watson stat   2.338553    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
      Inverted MA Roots          .8  -.19 -.82  -.19+.82i                   
      This looks very good. The Correlogram of the residuals is shown below.
                         Correlogram of Residuals
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 21:34                                            
      Sample: 5 100                                                           
      Included observations: 96                                               
      Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 3 ARMA term(s)                   
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            .*| .     |      .*| .     |  1-0.174-0.174 3.0023                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  2 0.035 0.005 3.1259                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  3 0.049 0.058 3.3724                
            . |**     |      . |**     |  4 0.214 0.240 8.0398 0.005          
            . |**     |      . |**     |  5 0.204 0.310 12.350 0.002          
      The p-values at lag 4 and 5 indicate that we reject the null hypothesis of white noise. Consequently, another MA term might improve the model.

      LS Y1 C MA(1) MA(2) MA(3) MA(4)
      LS // Dependent Variable is Y1                                        
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 21:39                                          
      Sample(adjusted): 5 100                                               
      Included observations: 96 after adjusting endpoints                   
      Convergence achieved after 16 iterations                              
            Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
               C          -0.023937   0.079127  -0.302518   0.7629          
             MA(1)        -0.793839   0.075327  -10.53859   0.0000          
             MA(2)         0.704617   0.078089   9.023306   0.0000          
             MA(3)        -0.774051   0.048615  -15.92190   0.0000          
             MA(4)         0.628794   0.076743   8.193488   0.0000          
      R-squared            0.602554    Mean dependent var-0.029085          
      Adjusted R-squared   0.585083    S.D. dependent var 1.601392          
      S.E. of regression   1.031521    Akaike info criter 0.112747          
      Sum squared resid    96.82724    Schwarz criterion  0.246307          
      Log likelihood      -136.6299    F-statistic        34.49042          
      Durbin-Watson stat   1.895787    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
      Inverted MA Roots      .71 -.   .71+.47i  -.31 -.88  -.31+.88i        
      The correlogram of the residuals confirms that this seems to be the right model. The Q-Stat with 1 (5-0-4) degree of freedom at lag 5 has a p-value of .286.
                         Correlogram of Residuals
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 21:43                                            
      Sample: 5 100                                                           
      Included observations: 96                                               
      Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 4 ARMA term(s)                   
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            . | .     |      . | .     |  1 0.052 0.052 0.2628                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  2-0.045-0.048 0.4673                
            . |*.     |      . |*.     |  3 0.081 0.086 1.1311                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  4-0.001-0.012 1.1311                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  5-0.008 0.001 1.1383 0.286          
    2. Below is the correlogram for Y2. Given the three sizable spikes in the PACFs, I am inclined to try three AR terms.
                            Correlogram of Y2
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 21:54                                            
      Sample: 1 100                                                           
      Included observations: 100                                              
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            . |****   |      . |****   |  1 0.482 0.482 23.922 0.000          
           ***| .     |  ******| .     |  2-0.348-0.756 36.523 0.000          
        ******| .     |     ***| .     |  3-0.779-0.367 100.41 0.000          
          ****| .     |      . | .     |  4-0.465 0.000 123.40 0.000          
            . |**     |      . | .     |  5 0.212 0.007 128.24 0.000          
      LS Y2 C AR(1) AR(2) AR(3)
      LS // Dependent Variable is Y2                                        
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 21:56                                          
      Sample(adjusted): 4 100                                               
      Included observations: 97 after adjusting endpoints                   
      Convergence achieved after 3 iterations                               
            Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
               C           0.021432   0.091892   0.233232   0.8161          
             AR(1)         0.578643   0.095971   6.029343   0.0000          
             AR(2)        -0.461242   0.103059  -4.475528   0.0000          
             AR(3)        -0.362344   0.096140  -3.768934   0.0003          
      R-squared            0.727193    Mean dependent var 0.044761          
      Adjusted R-squared   0.718392    S.D. dependent var 2.122938          
      S.E. of regression   1.126573    Akaike info criter 0.278724          
      Sum squared resid    118.0326    Schwarz criterion  0.384897          
      Log likelihood      -147.1551    F-statistic        82.63329          
      Durbin-Watson stat   2.019926    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
      Inverted AR Roots      .50+.7   .50 -.79      -.41                    
      All three AR terms are statistically significant and the correlogram of the residuals shows no further correlated structure in the residuals. The Q-statistic at lag 5 has 2 (5-3-0) degrees of freedom and a p-value of .548. Hence we do not reject the null hypothesis that the residuals are white noise.
                         Correlogram of Residuals
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 21:57                                            
      Sample: 4 100                                                           
      Included observations: 97                                               
      Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 3 ARMA term(s)                   
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            . | .     |      . | .     |  1-0.010-0.010 0.0104                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  2-0.028-0.028 0.0877                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  3 0.064 0.064 0.5102                
            . |*.     |      . |*.     |  4 0.071 0.072 1.0289 0.310          
            . | .     |      . | .     |  5-0.041-0.036 1.2044 0.548          
    3. Given the very large spike at the first PACF, I am inclined to start with a simple AR(1) model.
                            Correlogram of Y3
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:00                                            
      Sample: 1 100                                                           
      Included observations: 100                                              
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            . |*******|      . |*******|  1 0.880 0.880 79.727 0.000          
            . |*****  |     ***| .     |  2 0.694-0.352 129.89 0.000          
            . |****   |      . | .     |  3 0.528 0.059 159.19 0.000          
            . |***    |      .*| .     |  4 0.380-0.091 174.51 0.000          
            . |**     |      . | .     |  5 0.263 0.034 181.91 0.000          
      LS Y3 C AR(1)
      LS // Dependent Variable is Y3                                        
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:02                                          
      Sample(adjusted): 2 100                                               
      Included observations: 99 after adjusting endpoints                   
      Convergence achieved after 3 iterations                               
            Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
               C           1.961704   1.768729   1.109104   0.2701          
             AR(1)         0.923736   0.044381   20.81372   0.0000          
      R-squared            0.817054    Mean dependent var 0.940025          
      Adjusted R-squared   0.815168    S.D. dependent var 2.907858          
      S.E. of regression   1.250149    Akaike info criter 0.466521          
      Sum squared resid    151.5987    Schwarz criterion  0.518948          
      Log likelihood      -161.5677    F-statistic        433.2110          
      Durbin-Watson stat   1.126531    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
      Inverted AR Roots          .92                                        
      The AR(1) term is statistically significant but the correlogram of the residuals show that we still have a spike in the first ACF and PACF indicating that we need an MA(1) term.
                         Correlogram of Residuals
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:03                                            
      Sample: 2 100                                                           
      Included observations: 99                                               
      Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 1 ARMA term(s)                   
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            . |***    |      . |***    |  1 0.424 0.424 18.362                
            . | .     |      **| .     |  2-0.022-0.247 18.414 0.000          
            . | .     |      . |*.     |  3-0.010 0.139 18.424 0.000          
            . | .     |      .*| .     |  4-0.035-0.127 18.556 0.000          
            .*| .     |      . | .     |  5-0.086-0.014 19.350 0.001          
      LS Y3 C AR(1) MA(1)
      LS // Dependent Variable is Y3                                        
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:04                                          
      Sample(adjusted): 2 100                                               
      Included observations: 99 after adjusting endpoints                   
      Convergence achieved after 6 iterations                               
            Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
               C           1.435282   1.143186   1.255510   0.2123          
             AR(1)         0.844586   0.061323   13.77276   0.0000          
             MA(1)         0.622440   0.083629   7.442859   0.0000          
      R-squared            0.867037    Mean dependent var 0.940025          
      Adjusted R-squared   0.864266    S.D. dependent var 2.907858          
      S.E. of regression   1.071314    Akaike info criter 0.167606          
      Sum squared resid    110.1805    Schwarz criterion  0.246246          
      Log likelihood      -145.7714    F-statistic        313.0015          
      Durbin-Watson stat   1.928668    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
      Inverted AR Roots          .84                                        
      Inverted MA Roots         -.62                                        
      The correlogram of the residuals shows that we have white noise. The Q-statistic at 5 lags has 3 (5-1-1) degrees of freedom with a p-value of .899. Hence we do not reject the null hypothesis that the residuals are white noise.
                         Correlogram of Residuals
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:05                                            
      Sample: 2 100                                                           
      Included observations: 99                                               
      Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 2 ARMA term(s)                   
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            . | .     |      . | .     |  1 0.025 0.025 0.0643                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  2 0.046 0.045 0.2830                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  3 0.032 0.030 0.3901 0.532          
            . | .     |      . | .     |  4 0.022 0.019 0.4418 0.802          
            . | .     |      . | .     |  5-0.037-0.041 0.5870 0.899          
    4. The correlogram of Y4 is ambiguous but it looks like there is at least one AR term in the error structure. Several different starting places could be chosen here. I will start with AR(1) and AR(2).
                            Correlogram of Y4
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:07                                            
      Sample: 1 100                                                           
      Included observations: 100                                              
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            . |*******|      . |*******|  1 0.847 0.847 73.868 0.000          
            . |*****  |     ***| .     |  2 0.597-0.423 111.00 0.000          
            . |***    |      .*| .     |  3 0.347-0.062 123.68 0.000          
            . |**     |      . |**     |  4 0.197 0.208 127.80 0.000          
            . |*.     |      **| .     |  5 0.066-0.296 128.27 0.000          
      LS Y4 C AR(1) AR(2)
      LS // Dependent Variable is Y4                                        
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:08                                          
      Sample(adjusted): 3 100                                               
      Included observations: 98 after adjusting endpoints                   
      Convergence achieved after 3 iterations                               
            Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
               C          -0.591764   0.523659  -1.130057   0.2613          
             AR(1)         1.218762   0.092320   13.20143   0.0000          
             AR(2)        -0.432515   0.092587  -4.671425   0.0000          
      R-squared            0.774750    Mean dependent var-0.595948          
      Adjusted R-squared   0.770008    S.D. dependent var 2.309977          
      S.E. of regression   1.107807    Akaike info criter 0.234899          
      Sum squared resid    116.5875    Schwarz criterion  0.314031          
      Log likelihood      -147.5660    F-statistic        163.3768          
      Durbin-Watson stat   2.044549    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
      Inverted AR Roots      .61 -.   .61+.25i                              
      The correlogram of the residuals shows that we need some further terms. The spike at lag 3 could be either an MA(3) or a AR(3) term. Lets try the AR(3) term first.
                         Correlogram of Residuals
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:09                                            
      Sample: 3 100                                                           
      Included observations: 98                                               
      Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 2 ARMA term(s)                   
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            . | .     |      . | .     |  1-0.048-0.048 0.2349                
            . |*.     |      . |*.     |  2 0.121 0.119 1.7362                
            **| .     |      **| .     |  3-0.252-0.245 8.3038 0.004          
            . |*.     |      . |*.     |  4 0.115 0.093 9.6766 0.008          
            . |*.     |      . |**     |  5 0.194 0.275 13.644 0.003          
      LS Y4 C AR(1) AR(2) AR(3)
      LS // Dependent Variable is Y4                                        
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:11                                          
      Sample(adjusted): 4 100                                               
      Included observations: 97 after adjusting endpoints                   
      Convergence achieved after 3 iterations                               
            Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
               C          -0.707052   0.478346  -1.478118   0.1428          
             AR(1)         1.170528   0.100622   11.63292   0.0000          
             AR(2)        -0.322918   0.152465  -2.117982   0.0368          
             AR(3)        -0.078392   0.100694  -0.778520   0.4382          
      R-squared            0.783610    Mean dependent var-0.628997          
      Adjusted R-squared   0.776629    S.D. dependent var 2.298569          
      S.E. of regression   1.086352    Akaike info criter 0.206014          
      Sum squared resid    109.7550    Schwarz criterion  0.312188          
      Log likelihood      -143.6287    F-statistic        112.2596          
      Durbin-Watson stat   2.023847    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
      Inverted AR Roots      .66+.2   .66 -.29      -.15                    
      The AR(3) term is not the right guess. Consequently, I now try the MA(3) term:

      LS Y4 C AR(1) AR(2) MA(3)
      LS // Dependent Variable is Y4                                        
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:13                                          
      Sample(adjusted): 3 100                                               
      Included observations: 98 after adjusting endpoints                   
      Convergence achieved after 9 iterations                               
            Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
               C          -0.808939   0.368806  -2.193402   0.0307          
             AR(1)         1.364322   0.091908   14.84443   0.0000          
             AR(2)        -0.451403   0.093193  -4.843747   0.0000          
             MA(3)        -0.701170   0.093237  -7.520296   0.0000          
      R-squared            0.828102    Mean dependent var-0.595948          
      Adjusted R-squared   0.822616    S.D. dependent var 2.309977          
      S.E. of regression   0.972893    Akaike info criter-0.015003          
      Sum squared resid    88.97293    Schwarz criterion  0.090506          
      Log likelihood      -134.3208    F-statistic        150.9453          
      Durbin-Watson stat   2.087724    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
      Inverted AR Roots          .8       .56                               
      Inverted MA Roots          .8  -.44 -.77  -.44+.77i                   
      This looks very good and the correlogram of the residuals shows that we now have white noise. The Q-statistic at 5 lags has 2 (5-2-1) degrees of freedom and the p-value is .175. Hence we do not reject the null hypothesis that the residuals are white noise.
                         Correlogram of Residuals
      Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:14                                            
      Sample: 3 100                                                           
      Included observations: 98                                               
      Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 3 ARMA term(s)                   
       Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
            .*| .     |      .*| .     |  1-0.069-0.069 0.4854                
            . | .     |      . | .     |  2 0.057 0.053 0.8177                
            . |*.     |      . |*.     |  3 0.088 0.096 1.6192                
            . | .     |      . |*.     |  4 0.055 0.066 1.9397 0.164          
            . |*.     |      . |*.     |  5 0.121 0.122 3.4817 0.175          
  1. Below is the correlogram of DRWAGE -- the first difference (yt - yt-1) of the real wage series. Given that there is only one sizable spike and it is at the first lag, an AR(1) model seems appropriate.
                        Correlogram of DRWAGE
    Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:18                                            
    Sample: 1900 1970                                                       
    Included observations: 70                                               
     Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
          . |***    |      . |***    |  1 0.392 0.392 11.200 0.001          
          . |*.     |      . | .     |  2 0.105-0.057 12.016 0.002          
          . | .     |      .*| .     |  3-0.030-0.060 12.082 0.007          
          .*| .     |      .*| .     |  4-0.173-0.159 14.366 0.006          
          .*| .     |      . | .     |  5-0.147-0.021 16.046 0.007          
    LS // Dependent Variable is DRWAGE                                    
    Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:23                                          
    Sample(adjusted): 1902 1970                                           
    Included observations: 69 after adjusting endpoints                   
    Convergence achieved after 3 iterations                               
          Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
             C           0.703185   0.247827   2.837402   0.0060          
           AR(1)         0.398629   0.113199   3.521492   0.0008          
    R-squared            0.156181    Mean dependent var 0.719420          
    Adjusted R-squared   0.143587    S.D. dependent var 1.337106          
    S.E. of regression   1.237393    Akaike info criter 0.454570          
    Sum squared resid    102.5864    Schwarz criterion  0.519327          
    Log likelihood      -111.5894    F-statistic        12.40091          
    Durbin-Watson stat   1.931600    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000777          
    Inverted AR Roots          .40                                        
    The AR(1) term is statistically significant and the correlogram of the residuals shown below shows no further correlated structure in the error. The Q-statistic at lag 5 has 4 (5-1-0) degrees of freedom with a p-value of .637. Hence we do not reject the null hypothesis that the residuals are white noise.
                       Correlogram of Residuals
    Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:24                                            
    Sample: 1902 1970                                                       
    Included observations: 69                                               
    Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 1 ARMA term(s)                   
     Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
          . | .     |      . | .     |  1 0.025 0.025 0.0435                
          . | .     |      . | .     |  2-0.020-0.021 0.0726 0.788          
          . | .     |      . | .     |  3-0.013-0.012 0.0850 0.958          
          .*| .     |      .*| .     |  4-0.154-0.154 1.8633 0.601          
          .*| .     |      .*| .     |  5-0.094-0.090 2.5444 0.637          
    I also tried an MA(1) model but the fit of it to the wage series was below the AR(1) model. Namely:
    LS // Dependent Variable is DRWAGE                                    
    Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:25                                          
    Sample(adjusted): 1901 1970                                           
    Included observations: 70 after adjusting endpoints                   
    Convergence achieved after 5 iterations                               
          Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
             C           0.717603   0.203548   3.525471   0.0008          
           MA(1)         0.383531   0.112143   3.420016   0.0011          
    R-squared            0.148007    Mean dependent var 0.722857          
    Adjusted R-squared   0.135478    S.D. dependent var 1.327693          
    S.E. of regression   1.234485    Akaike info criter 0.449463          
    Sum squared resid    103.6288    Schwarz criterion  0.513705          
    Log likelihood      -113.0569    F-statistic        11.81287          
    Durbin-Watson stat   1.913881    Prob(F-statistic)  0.001008          
    Inverted MA Roots         -.38                                        
  2. Below is the correlogram for the first difference in logs; that is: ln(yt) - ln(yt-1). Given the large spike at the first lag and the way the ACFs trail off, this looks like an AR(1).
                        Correlogram of DLMONEY
    Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:29                                            
    Sample: 1 81                                                            
    Included observations: 80                                               
     Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
          . |*****  |      . |*****  |  1 0.622 0.622 32.152 0.000          
          . |**     |      .*| .     |  2 0.302-0.139 39.830 0.000          
          . |*.     |      . | .     |  3 0.135 0.011 41.374 0.000          
          . | .     |      .*| .     |  4-0.005-0.105 41.376 0.000          
          .*| .     |      . | .     |  5-0.067-0.003 41.765 0.000          
    LS // Dependent Variable is DLMONEY                                   
    Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:30                                          
    Sample(adjusted): 3 81                                                
    Included observations: 79 after adjusting endpoints                   
    Convergence achieved after 3 iterations                               
          Variable      CoefficienStd. Errort-Statistic  Prob.            
             C           0.057614   0.014682   3.924036   0.0002          
           AR(1)         0.622290   0.089040   6.988878   0.0000          
    R-squared            0.388133    Mean dependent var 0.058072          
    Adjusted R-squared   0.380187    S.D. dependent var 0.062605          
    S.E. of regression   0.049288    Akaike info criter-5.995169          
    Sum squared resid    0.187055    Schwarz criterion -5.935183          
    Log likelihood       126.7130    F-statistic        48.84441          
    Durbin-Watson stat   1.809760    Prob(F-statistic)  0.000000          
    Inverted AR Roots          .62                                        
    The AR(1) term is statistically significant and the correlogram of the residuals shows no further correlation in the error structure. The Q-statistic at lag 5 has 4 (5-1-0) degrees of freedom with a p-value of .571. Hence we do not reject the null hypothesis that the residuals are white noise.
                       Correlogram of Residuals
    Date: 03/24/98   Time: 22:31                                            
    Sample: 3 81                                                            
    Included observations: 79                                               
    Q-statistic probabilities adjusted for 1 ARMA term(s)                   
     Autocorrelation Partial Correlation  AC     PAC  Q-Stat Prob           
          . |*.     |      . |*.     |  1 0.092 0.092 0.6869                
          .*| .     |      .*| .     |  2-0.090-0.099 1.3562 0.244          
          . | .     |      . | .     |  3 0.019 0.038 1.3878 0.500          
          .*| .     |      .*| .     |  4-0.082-0.098 1.9551 0.582          
          .*| .     |      .*| .     |  5-0.106-0.084 2.9214 0.571          