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93rd Senate Roll Call Data
93rd Senate Roll Call Data (Stata 7 File)
93rd Senate Codebook
The format of the roll call files is:
1. Congress Number
2. ICPSR ID Number: 5 digit code assigned by the ICPSR as
corrected by Howard Rosenthal and myself.
3. State Code: 2 digit ICPSR State Code.
4. Congressional District Number (0 if Senate)
5. State Name
6. Party Code: 100 = Dem., 200 = Repub. (See PARTY3.DAT)
7. Occupancy: ICPSR Occupancy Code -- 0=only occupant; 1=1st occupant; 2=2nd occupant; etc.
8. Last Means of Attaining Office: ICPSR Attain-Office Code -- 1=general election;
2=special election; 3=elected by state legislature; 5=appointed
9. Name
10 - to the number of roll calls + 10: Roll Call Data --
0=not a member, 1=Yea, 2=Paired Yea, 3=Announced Yea,
4=Announced Nay, 5=Paired Nay, 6=Nay,
7=Present (some Congresses, also not used some Congresses),
8=Present (some Congresses, also not used some Congresses),
9=Not Voting
For frequency counts for the roll call data see Democrat and Republican
Party Voting Splits Congresses 35 - 109.