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This site is an archived version of Voteview.com archived from University of Georgia on May 23, 2017. This point-in-time capture includes all files publicly linked on Voteview.com at that time. We provide access to this content as a service to ensure that past users of Voteview.com have access to historical files. This content will remain online until at least January 1st, 2018. UCLA provides no warranty or guarantee of access to these files.

    110729142 5 0RHODE I 10001REED         294  20   6 136 -1.000
    11071303952 0MARYLAN 10001SARBANES     304  11   5 137 -1.000
    11071501171 0CALIFOR 10001BOXER        281  22   8 131 -1.000
    11071410547 0NORTH C 20001HELMS        115  15  10 188  0.931
    11071462849 0TEXAS   20001GRAMM, PHIL  171  24  13 233  0.984
    11071542961 0ARIZONA 20001KYL          171  33   9 242  1.000
This lists those legislators who have been constrained to be at the ends of the dimension.

The next 36 columns (JNE=36 in the FORTRAN code) are from the roll call matrix itself (see the format statement in the NOMSTART.DAT file). This is user determined and is set in NOMSTART.DAT. In this application to U.S. Senate roll call data,