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Eighth Assignment
Due 11 June 2008

  1. Run OC_in_R_2008.r on the 104th Senate in two dimensions. Your R code should look something like this:
    #  OC_in_R_2008.r
    #  Program to Run R Version of OC
    #  Remove all objects just to be safe
    sen104 <- readKH("https://legacy.voteview.com/k7ftp/sen104kh.ord",
           desc="104th U.S. Senate",
    #  Call OC
    #  Example:  1-Dim
    #result <- oc(sen104, dims=1, polarity=c(3))
    #  Example:  2-Dim
    result <- oc(sen104, dims=2, polarity=c(3,2))
    #  ---- Useful Commands To See What is in an Object
    # > length(result)
    # [1] 5
    # > class(result)
    # [1] "OCobject"
    # > names(result)
    # [1] "legislators" "rollcalls"   "dimensions"  "eigenvalues" "fits"       
    # result$legislators
    # result$rollcalls
    # result$dimensions
    # result$eigenvalues
    # result$fits
    1. Turn in the results of the plot(result) command.

    2. Write an Epsilon macro that nicely formats the two-dimensional legislator coordinates. Retain the name [e.g., DOLE (R-KS)], party, and the two dimensions. Turn in a listing of the macro and a neatly formatted listing of the file.

    3. Use R to plot the legislators in two dimensions from the file you just created in (a). Use "D" for Non-Southern Democrats, "S" for Southern Democrats, "R" for Republicans, and "P" for President Clinton.

  2. In this problem we are going to use Simon Jackman's Bayesian MCMC Quadratic-Normal scaling program IDEAL to estimate two-dimensional ideal points for the 104th Senate.

    Download the R program below:

    idealKeith2_2008.r -- Program to run IDEAL on the 104th Senate.

    idealKeith2_2008.r looks like this:
    #  idealKeith2_2008.r -- Implements Simon's IDEAL in R
    s104 <- readKH("https://legacy.voteview.com/k7ftp/sen104kh.ord",dtl=NULL,
                     desc="104th U.S. Senate",
    #  ---- Useful Commands To See What is in an Object
    # > length(kpideal)
    # [1] 9
    # > class(kpideal)
    # [1] "ideal"
    # > names(kpideal)
    # [1] "n"       "m"       "d"       "codes"   "x"       "beta"    "xbar"   
    # [8] "betabar" "call"   
    csts <- constrain.legis(s104,x=list("KERRY (D MA)"=c(-1,0), 
                                        "HELMS (R NC)"=c(1,0),
                                        "NUNN (D GA)"=c(0,1)),d=2)
    kpideal <- ideal(s104, d=2, priors=csts, startvals=csts, store.item=TRUE)
    # > length(sumkpideal)
    # [1] 6
    # > class(sumkpideal)
    # [1] "summary.ideal"
    # > names(sumkpideal)
    # [1] "object"      "xResults"    "bResults"    "bSig"        "party.quant"
    # [6] "sort"       
    sumkpideal <- summary(kpideal,sort=FALSE,include.beta=TRUE)
    #  Beta Parameter -- Item Discrimination Parameter for the two dimensions 
    #  Alpha Parameter -- 
    This is essentially the same syntax as the one-dimensional version used in Question 2 of Homework 7.

    After you run the two-dimensional IDEAL the legislator ideal point file will look something like this:
    "Mean" "Std.Dev." "X2.5." "X97.5." "Mean.1" "Std.Dev..1" "X2.5..1" "X97.5..1"
    "CLINTON (D USA)" -0.309800660630002 0.0820744674618486 -0.481062906618014 -0.194230974599213 0.852141777864466 0.0888073997277851 0.679174077497147 1.03341616372539
    "HEFLIN (D AL)" 0.0523260706523132 0.0101396330019580 0.0349089791158351 0.0703623150002144 0.936495397549168 0.0428951631538186 0.864716079446086 0.995326685303183
    "SHELBY (R AL)" 0.481083075616966 0.0283741205452315 0.43704542284841 0.530626601279085 0.501992598599106 0.0914404650609623 0.290065360872579 0.610904536877101
    "MURKOWSKI (R AK)" 0.58878180590512 0.0386327999207745 0.52191796413427 0.658790947549848 0.424465879422533 0.0857664846781842 0.212628350554421 0.531406383231817
    "STEVENS (R AK)" 0.388943321757698 0.0231102557849764 0.353665898643312 0.426233254767796 0.491315913415243 0.0819189929641352 0.319929661392822 0.583706465669113
    "KYL (R AZ)" 0.791543883096709 0.0441407372827541 0.726069146494467 0.900107574680152 -0.0122168904940798 0.115580586198544 -0.305988676967472 0.105848870529313
    "MCCAIN (R AZ)" 0.534259782110626 0.0279878085864998 0.481143773251961 0.591158296625865 0.149750336020222 0.117870207683573 -0.136553729615176 0.270174465129845
    "BUMPERS (D AR)" -0.233952706116256 0.0286250108675216 -0.285838750170946 -0.184556462964888 0.895974235997767 0.0522246794446473 0.802197799066418 0.977781191905431
    "PRYOR (D AR)" -0.214233870708218 0.029386470895039 -0.267488373279433 -0.171075391402431 0.926385795765566 0.04203519069195 0.852370866716206 0.99881056858926
    "BOXER (D CA)" -0.353123894266271 0.0383997665507928 -0.429059098000123 -0.279205780624982 0.886858826488446 0.0611278978741801 0.790637348731473 0.987152293328753
       etc etc etc
    "ROBB (D VA)" -0.0765595324569559 0.0171911592586988 -0.115284324215793 -0.0515365724972953 0.826327660754874 0.0455652857584553 0.738168499289204 0.890932643723725
    "WARNER (R VA)" 0.469823004481214 0.0257348240077078 0.428264833346734 0.527508326491039 0.405404853077247 0.0825355749105414 0.197365823595529 0.502348625995226
    "GORTON (R WA)" 0.414595198527792 0.0282271326942752 0.374719993185643 0.478943792096745 0.523511301267852 0.0878998602440685 0.332276518438102 0.635701490946549
    "MURRAY (D WA)" -0.279202231783151 0.0308639559428242 -0.338304469568743 -0.221708420250837 0.912686565540023 0.0557169694431833 0.821486525022157 0.993421496179954
    "BYRD (D WV)" -0.0824692431560245 0.0202961509150374 -0.118081495310561 -0.050915738722338 0.828124439444435 0.0549633482932388 0.72624472433837 0.902889461589322
    "ROCKEFELLER (D WV)" -0.194940235082881 0.0245489441150112 -0.234319401472846 -0.159662657926650 0.868099385418423 0.0467513614888446 0.782692753122446 0.932533243337904
    "FEINGOLD (D WI)" -0.801050665925436 0.0583498488854194 -0.944072297378732 -0.71491362586842 0.065920377424451 0.0591633510251908 -0.0726832794968281 0.152254420418534
    "KOHL (D WI)" -0.221048225268323 0.0413372987550044 -0.295063890392400 -0.148121335570306 0.590207432731952 0.0641559932713525 0.46444514456243 0.69488583944295
    "SIMPSON (R WY)" 0.34389693321095 0.0212580442525637 0.306097198230730 0.387984849556693 0.471773523069905 0.0812593866561098 0.267158282326177 0.566104008894769
    "THOMAS (R WY)" 0.598440926866661 0.0271559725964159 0.556507619251528 0.652790991048585 0.220152255272786 0.110697525932443 -0.0367575203267522 0.343244602415605
    The first and fifth columns of numbers are the Posterior Means for the first and second dimensions.

    1. Write an Epsilon macro that nicely formats this file (be sure to remove the "'s!). Turn in a neatly formatted listing of the file along with the macro (note that you might want to use the SPACE bar in the macro).

    2. Use R to plot the legislators in two dimensions from the file you just created in (a). Use "D" for Non-Southern Democrats, "S" for Southern Democrats, "R" for Republicans, and "P" for President Clinton.

    3. Replicate the above plot and add crosshairs for each Senator corresponding to the 95% quantiles. Neatly label the tokens for President Clinton, Senator John McCain, and Senator Edward Kennedy.

    4. Compare the two-dimensional coordinates from IDEAL with those you estimated using Optimal Classification in Problem 1.c of Homework 5. In particular, rotate the IDEAL coordinates so that they best match the Optimal Classification coordinates using the method shown in detail in Problem 2.g of Homework 7. Report the Pearson r-squares before and after rotating.

    5. Put the IDEAL coordinates and Optimal Classification coordinates in STATA and run the following regressions:

      OC-1st = b0 + b1(IDEAL-1st) + b2(IDEAL-2nd)

      OC-2nd = b0 + b1(IDEAL-1st) + b2(IDEAL-2nd)

      Report the standard STATA output for both of these regressions.

  3. In this problem we are going to use metric unfolding to analyze the thermometer scores from the 2004 election study in the same way that we did for question 4 of Homework 7. Download the the program, control card file, and data file and place them in the same directory.

    MLSMU6.EXE -- Metric Unfolding Program
    The format statement I used to read the data file is:
      100 FORMAT(31X,2I4,28X,I1,37X,A2,3I2,411X,14I3,113X,I2,2X,5I1,28X,I1,
         C       19X,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,5X,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,33X,I2,5I1,61X,I2,6X,I1,
         C       120X,I2,7X,I2,687X,I1,20X,I1,63X,33I3)
    The format statement I used to write the data file is:
      200 FORMAT(1X,2I4,1X,I1,1X,A2,4I2,1X,14I3,1X,I2,5I1,1X,I1,1X,
         C       I2,5I1,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,I2,5I1,1X,I2,1X,I1,1X,
         C       I2,1X,I2,1X,I1,1X,I1,1X,33I3)
    The variables in the file are:
     I4 2004 Pre Case ID"      
     I4 2004 Post Case ID"
     I1 sex                              (1=Man, 2=Woman)
     A2 Postal abbreviation of state
     I2 FIPS state code
     I2 ICPSR state code
     I2 South/Non-South (1=Southern State, 0=Non-Southern State)
     I2 Congressional District number
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: GW Bush"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: John Kerry"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Nader"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Cheney"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: John Edwards"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Laura Bush"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Hillary Clinton"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Bill Clinton"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Colin Powell"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: John Ashcroft"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: John McCain"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Democratic party"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Republican party"
     I3 Feeling Thermometer: Ronald Reagan"
     I2 Liberal/conservative self-placement -7-point scale"
     I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - GW Bush"
     I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - Kerry"
     I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - Nader"
     I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - Dem Party"
     I1 Liberal/conservative Placement - Rep party"
     I1 Party ID (0=Strong Democrat -- 6=Strong Republican)   {end of first line of format statement}
     I2 Spending and Services - 7-point scale self-placement" C  GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY FEWER SERVICES -- GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY MORE SERVICES
     I1 Importance of spending/services issue to R"
     I1 Spending and Services Placement: GW Bush"
     I1 Spending and Services Placement: Kerry"
     I1 Spending and Services Placement: Dem party"
     I1 Spending and Services Placement: Rep party"
     I2 Defense spending - 7-point scale self-placement"  C  GOVT SHOULD DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING -- GOVT SHOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING
     I1 Importance of defense spending issue to R"
     I1 Defense spending scale: GW Bush placement"
     I1 Defense spending scale: Kerry placement"
     I1 Defense spending scale: Dem party placement"
     I1 Defense spending scale: Rep party placement"
     I2 Job and Good Standard of Living -scale self-placement"  C  GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING -- GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN
     I1 Importance of guaranteed jobs/standard living issue"
     I1 Job and Good Standard of Living - GW Bush placement"
     I1 Job and Good Standard of Living - Kerry placement"
     I1 Job and Good Standard of Living - Dem party placement"
     I1 Job and Good Standard of Living - Rep party placement"
     I2 Government assistance to blacks-7 point scale self-pl"  C  GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS -- BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES
     I1 Importance of aid to blacks issue to R"
     I1 Aid to blacks Placement: GW Bush"
     I1 Aid to blacks Placement: Kerry"
     I1 Aid to blacks Placement: Dem party"
     I1 Aid to blacks Placement: Rep party"
     I2 Women's role - 7-point scale self-placement"  C  WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES -- A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME
     I1 How important is the issue of women's equal role"
     I1 Women's role - GW Bush placement"
     I1 Women's role - Kerry placement"
     I1 Women's role - Dem party placement"
     I1 Women's role - Rep party placement"
     I2 Age (18 - 90, 00, 98, 99 missing)
     I1 Education (1=1-8, 2=9-11, 3=HS, 4=SC, 5=2YR degree, 6=BA, 7=Advanced, 0,8,9=Missing)  {end of 2nd line of format statement}
     I2 Income --  01.  None or less than $2,999
                   02.   $3,000 - $4,999 
                   03.   $5,000 - $6,999 
                   04.   $7,000 - $8,999 
                   05.   $9,000 - 10,999
                   06.  $11,000- $12,999
                   07.  $13,000- $14,999
                   08.  $15,000- $16,999
                   09.  $17,000- $19,999
                   10.  $20,000- $21,999
                   11.  $22,000- $24,999
                   12.  $25,000- $29,999
                   13.  $30,000- $34,999
                   14.  $35,000- $39,999
                   15.  $40,000- $44,999
                   16.  $45,000- $49,999
                   17.  $50,000- $59,999
                   18.  $60,000- $69,999
                   19.  $70,000- $79,999
                   20.  $80,000- $89,999
                   21.  $90,000-$104,999
                   22. $105,000-$119,000
                   23. $120,000 and over 
                   00 and > 24 missing
    I2  Race  10=Black (12,13,14,15, mixed Race)
              20=Asian (23,24,25, mixed Race)
              30=Native American (34,35, mixed Race)
              40=Hispanic (45, mixed Race)
              88, 89, and all else missing
    I1  Voted?? (1=Voter, 2=Nonvoter Registered, 3=Nonvoter not Registered)
                0,4,5,6,7,8,9 Missing
    I1  Who Voted For (1=Kerry, 3=Bush, 5=Nader, 7,8,9,0=Missing)
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Hispanics (Hispanic-Americans)"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Christian Fundamentalists"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Catholics"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Feminists"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Federal Government in Washington"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Jews"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Liberals"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - middle class people"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Labor Unions"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Poor people"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: The Military"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Big Business"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: People on welfare"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Conservatives"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: working class people"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Older people (the elderly)"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: environmentalists"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: U.S. Supreme Court"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Gay Men and Lesbians"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Asian Americans"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Congress"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Blacks"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - Southerners"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - men"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - young people"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - illegal immigrants"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - rich people"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - women"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - business people"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer - the Catholic Church"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Whites"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Israel"
    I3  Feeling Thermometer: Muslims"  {end of 3rd line of format statement}
    Here is what UNFOLD_ELEC2004.CTL looks like:
       14    2    2   10    0    0
        1    1    0    4    3
        .001  -0.02    2.0     2.0     1.5     0.0   100.0
    Run MLSMU6.EXE and get the FORT.22 file. It should look something like this:
      BUSH             0.8395    0.0904  143.8029    0.7938 1206.0000
     KERRY           -0.8458   -0.1105   97.3078    0.7064 1191.0000
     NADER            0.0661   -1.0345  113.3308    0.4341  980.0000
     CHENEY           0.9213    0.1963  113.1749    0.6971 1140.0000
     EDWARDS         -0.7610   -0.1811   98.1149    0.6153 1050.0000
     LBUSH            0.5832    0.0236  124.4988    0.5795 1163.0000
     HCLINTON        -0.7467    0.2587  173.7597    0.6788 1199.0000
     BCLINTON        -0.7000    0.2009  165.1246    0.7122 1201.0000
     POWELL           0.4295   -0.0694  131.6980    0.4189 1146.0000
     ASHCROFT         0.9192    0.1832  110.4639    0.5283  880.0000
     MCCAIN           0.2068   -0.5522  120.2369    0.2059  952.0000
     DEMPARTY        -0.7143    0.0638  104.9413    0.6232 1178.0000
     REPPARTY         0.8382    0.1690   99.2522    0.7099 1175.0000
     REAGAN           0.4458    0.0982  167.1927    0.5139 1179.0000
        1             0.3104    0.4809    2.8357    0.2346   10.0000
        2            -0.3240   -0.0737    0.1357    0.8775   12.0000
        3             0.4764   -0.0300    1.2478    0.6949   14.0000
        4            -0.1122    0.0961    2.0479    0.1886   12.0000
        5             0.9288   -0.0233    0.8175    0.9325   14.0000
        6             0.0950   -0.9896    2.9318    0.4070   14.0000
        7             0.6283   -0.3523    0.6773    0.8000   14.0000
        8            -0.2821   -0.0468    1.9598    0.4556   14.0000
            etc etc etc
     1199             0.3730    0.4604    0.6818    0.6601   10.0000
     1200            -0.7644   -0.1435    2.4428    0.6588   14.0000
     1201             0.1755   -0.2540    1.6449    0.2266   14.0000
     1202             0.4377    0.3387    1.0074    0.7127   14.0000
     1203             0.2686   -0.2037    1.8730    0.4177   14.0000
     1204             0.0097    0.0557    0.3978    0.7199   13.0000
     1205             0.3809    0.6947    4.8357    0.3221   14.0000
     1206            -0.8871    0.1691    2.4404    0.7014   14.0000
     1207            -0.1712    0.5016    1.2004    0.4825   14.0000
     1208            -0.8464    0.7091    1.4672    0.6645   14.0000
     1209             0.1076    0.2542    2.0291    0.0559   11.0000
     1210             0.5555    0.6831    1.1999    0.6638   14.0000
     1211             0.7287   -0.2093    1.1761    0.8419   14.0000
     1212             0.1481   -0.2675    1.0090    0.3703   11.0000
     1213             0.1815    0.1990    2.0853    0.6266   14.0000
    1. Use R to plot the 14 candidates/Political Figures in two dimensions. This plot should be very similar to the one you did for question 4 of Homework 7.

    2. Use Epsilon to insert the voted and voted for variables into FORT.22 (strip off the candidate coordinates first). Use R to make two-dimensional plots of the Voters, Non-Voters, Bush Voters only, and Kerry Voters only. Label each plot appropriately and use solid dots to plot the respondents. Turn in all these plots.

    3. Use R to make smoothed histograms -- using the first dimension from the thermometer scaling -- of the Voters and Non-Voters only, and the Kerry Voters, Bush Voters, and Non-Voters. Your Bush-Kerry-NonVoters plot should look like the one for Question 4 of Homework 7.

  4. The aim of this problem is to analyze the 2004 Liberal-Conservative 7-Point Scale with the Aldrich-McKelvey scaling program (we used this program in Question 3 of Homework 5). Download the "control card" file:

    2004 Liberal-Conservative Control Card File

    and place it, MCKALNEW.EXE, and ELEC2004_CLASS_2007.DAT hem in the same folder on a WINTEL machine. Read the Aldrich-McKelvey scaling program page to see how to run the program.

    1. Use R to make smoothed histograms of Democrats (0,1,2), Independents (4), and Republicans (4,5,6) over the scaled positions. Be sure the graph is neatly formatted and labeled like the ones you did for Question 3 of Homework 5.

    2. Use R to make smoothed histograms of just the Strong Democrats (0) and the Strong Republicans (6).

  5. In this problem we are going to use the transposed version of the black box, a scaling procedure I developed to recover latent -- basic -- dimensions from a set of individuals' responses to a set of issue scales. You will find that reading "How to Use the Black Box" will be of great help in doing this problem. In this problem we are going to transposed the individuals' responses to a specific issue scale and so that the stimuli are the rows and the respondents are the columns. We are going to analyze the 2004 Liberal-Conservative 7-Point Scale and compare the results to the Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling in question 4. Download the program, control card file, and data file and place them in the same directory.

    BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE.EXE -- The Basic Space Program for a Transposed Issue Scale

    BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE_NES2004_LC.DAT looks like this:
        2    5    3     Number Basic Dimensions to Estimate; Number Simuli; Number of Missing Data Values
        0    8    9     Missing Data Values
    (1X,I4,4X,59X,5I1)  Format to Read ELEC2004_CLASS_2007.DAT
    BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE produces three output files: BLACKT23.DAT shows the statistics of the estimation including the overall fit statistics (see "How to Use the Black Box" for an example); BLACKT24.DAT has the n by s matrix Y of coordinates of the stimuli on the basic dimensions with the estimation of the one-dimensional scaling stacked on top of the two-dimensional scaling, and so on, where n is the number of stimuli; and BLACKT28.DAT is the output file containing the m by s matrix W of weights, and c is a vector of constants of length m, where m is the number of respondents.

    1. Run BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE and turn in a copy of the BLACKT23.DAT file.

    2. BLACKT24.DAT should look something like this:
       BUSH        -0.564
       KERRY        0.389
       NADER        0.317
       DEMPTY       0.387
       REPPTY      -0.529
       BUSH        -0.481  0.315
       KERRY        0.061 -0.510
       NADER        0.796  0.394
       DEMPTY      -0.013 -0.582
       REPPTY      -0.362  0.383
      Combine this file with the coordinates estimated by the Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling in (4) above and place the file in STATA (reverse the coordinate signs on the first dimension(s)) and run the folowing regressions:

      BLACK-1st = b0 + b1(BLACK-1st-2) + b2(BLACK-2nd-2)

      ALDRICH-MCKELVEY = b0 + b1(BLACK-1st-2) + b2(BLACK-2nd-2)

      ALDRICH-MCKELVEY = b0 + b1(BLACK-1st)

      Report the standard STATA output for these regressions.


  6. Continuing with BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE we are going to analyze the 1968 thermometers and compare them to those estimated from my metric unfolding program -- MLSMU6 -- that we used in homework 5 question 4. Download the files: BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE_1968_THERMOMETERS.DAT looks like this
        4   12    2
       98   99     

    1. Run BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE and turn in a copy of the BLACKT23.DAT file.

    2. BLACKT24.DAT should look something like this:
       GEORGE WAL   0.594
       HUBERT HUM  -0.364
       RICHARD NI   0.013
       EUGENE MCC  -0.048
       RONALD REA   0.198
       NELSON ROC  -0.035
       LYNDON JOH  -0.283
       GEORGE ROM   0.058
       ROBERT KEN  -0.396
       ED MUSKIE   -0.260
       SPIRO AGNE   0.140
       CURTIS LEM   0.381
       GEORGE WAL   0.615 -0.296
       HUBERT HUM  -0.329 -0.340
       RICHARD NI  -0.100  0.682
       EUGENE MCC  -0.056  0.104
       RONALD REA   0.193  0.221
       NELSON ROC  -0.040  0.129
       LYNDON JOH  -0.239 -0.330
       GEORGE ROM   0.075  0.019
       ROBERT KEN  -0.400 -0.115
       ED MUSKIE   -0.244 -0.136
       SPIRO AGNE   0.118  0.269
       CURTIS LEM   0.407 -0.207
       GEORGE WAL   0.655 -0.318  0.015
       HUBERT HUM  -0.299 -0.386  0.032
       RICHARD NI  -0.016  0.373 -0.741
       EUGENE MCC  -0.150  0.337  0.411
       RONALD REA   0.155  0.277  0.023
       NELSON ROC  -0.109  0.322  0.336
       LYNDON JOH  -0.199 -0.424 -0.081
       GEORGE ROM   0.031  0.125  0.216
       ROBERT KEN  -0.361 -0.216 -0.215
       ED MUSKIE   -0.251 -0.098  0.119
       SPIRO AGNE   0.131  0.182 -0.212
       CURTIS LEM   0.414 -0.175  0.097
       GEORGE WAL   0.728  0.050  0.206  0.144
       HUBERT HUM  -0.202  0.239 -0.244  0.364
       RICHARD NI  -0.336 -0.556  0.494  0.092
       EUGENE MCC  -0.018  0.238 -0.044 -0.590
       RONALD REA   0.051 -0.272 -0.045 -0.161
       NELSON ROC  -0.111 -0.033 -0.257 -0.424
       LYNDON JOH  -0.156  0.097 -0.253  0.513
       GEORGE ROM   0.014 -0.110 -0.263 -0.098
       ROBERT KEN  -0.201  0.573  0.627 -0.019
       ED MUSKIE   -0.186  0.154 -0.236  0.050
       SPIRO AGNE  -0.031 -0.354  0.044  0.043
       CURTIS LEM   0.447 -0.026 -0.029  0.086
      Rotate the BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE two-dimensional coordinates listed above so that they best match the Metric Scaling coordinates from homework 5 question 4 using the method shown in detail in Problem 2.g of Homework 7. Report the Pearson r-squares before and after rotating.

    3. Do a Two Panel plot of the 12 political figures with the Metric Scaling two-dimensional coordinates in the left panel and the rotated two-dimensional coordinates from BLACKBOX_TRANSPOSE in the right panel (check out plot_oc_output_X_and_Z.r from homework 5 question 1 for an example of R code for a two panel plot).

  7. This problem is similar to problem 5 of homework 7 only we are going to analyze the 1992 issue scales. To do this, we are going to use the black box, a scaling procedure I developed to recover latent -- basic -- dimensions from a set of individuals' responses to a set of issue scales. You will find that reading "How to Use the Black Box" will be of great help in doing this problem. Download the program, control card file, and data file and place them in the same directory.

    BLACKBOX.EXE -- The Basic Space Program
    The control card file BLACKBOX_NES.DAT looks like this:
        4   15    5    8
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    6    7    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    6    7    8    9
        0    8    9
        0    8    9