Supplemental Movie Assignment
Due 11 June 2008
# # Parametric_bootstrap_movie.r -- Does Two-Dim Plot of the bootstrap trials # for any Member of Congress 1789 - 2004 (Congresses # 1 - 108) # # # Remove all objects just to be safe # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # # library(MASS) library(pcurve) library(stats) library(ellipse) # ncong <- 108 Select the Senate ntrials <- 1001 # # Select Senator here # # ICPSR/Poole-Rosenthal ID Number # idnoselect <- 99910 Use the ID Number of Senator You Want to Display # # Position in the file # iselect <- 1 The Senator's row in the Data # # Read bootstrap Means and Standard Deviations # rcx.file <- "c:/ucsd_homework_movie/s108_bs_1000_2.dat" This is the Summary File Showing the Bootstrapped Standard Errors # # Standard fields and their widths # rcx.fields <- c("counter","cong","idno","state","cd","statename","party","ecodes", "membername","x1","x2","x1bmean","x2bmean","se1","se2","r12") rcx.fieldWidths <- c(5,3,5,2,2,7,4,2,12,9,10,10,10,10,10,10) # # Read the vote data from fwf # T <- read.fwf(file=rcx.file,widths=rcx.fieldWidths,as.is=TRUE,col.names=rcx.fields) # # nrowtarget <- length(T[,1]) ncoltarget <- length(T[1,]) # # Read Bootstrap Trials # rcx.file <- "c:/ucsd_homework_movie/s108_nom31_1000.dat" This is the output matrix for the # trials. It has 1001 trials all stacked up # top of each other -- 1001 NOM31.DAT # Standard fields and their widths files stacked up # rcx.fields <- c("counter","cong","idno","state","cd","statename","party","ecodes", "membername","k11","k12","k21","k22","gmp","x1","x2","se1","se2") rcx.fieldWidths <- c(5,3,5,2,2,7,4,2,12,4,4,4,4,7,7,7,7,7) # # Read the vote data from fwf # TTT <- read.fwf(file=rcx.file,widths=rcx.fieldWidths,as.is=TRUE,col.names=rcx.fields) # # nrowstrials <- length(TTT[,1]) ncolstrials <- length(TTT[1,]) # TBOOT <- TTT[TTT[,3]==idnoselect,] This pulls the 1001 sets of coordinates out for the # selected Senator # # Loop Over Bootstrap trials # iiii <- 0 while (iiii < ntrials) { # iiii <- iiii + 1 fnum <- iiii if(fnum<10) fn <- paste("000",fnum,sep="") else if(fnum<100) This block of statements guarantees the the Jpegs fn <- paste("00",fnum,sep="") get written out from 0001.jpg to 9999.jpg else if(fnum<1000) fn <- paste("0",fnum,sep="") else fn <- fnum # # # Pull Coordinate from Bootstrap Mean File # xtrial1 <- T[iselect,10] Selected Senator's Coordinate used to make Black Dot Below xtrial2 <- T[iselect,11] # jpeg(file=paste("C:/ucsd_homework_movie/JPG_ANI/",fn,".jpg",sep=""), This is the Jpeg Write Statement width=1165,height=651,quality=100,pointsize=12, bg = "white") Note the Path Statement # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) Creates Two Graphic Panels Side-by-Side # # # mar # A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which # gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four # sides of the plot. The default is c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1. # # par(mar=c(4.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) Nice Margins # plot(T[,10],T[,11],type="n",asp=1,main="", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(-1.0,1.0),ylim=c(-1.0,1.0), cex=1.2,font=2) # # Main title # Note the Use of the Paste Command Here mtext(paste("Senate ", ncong, "\n", 1787+2*ncong, "-", 1787+2*ncong+1, sep=""),side=3,line=1.25,cex=1.2,font=2) # # x-axis title mtext("Liberal - Conservative",side=1,line=2.25,cex=1.2,font=2) # y-axis title mtext("Social Issues",side=2,line=2.25,cex=1.2,font=2) # # Southern Democrats points(T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] >= 40 & T[,4] <= 51,10],T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] >= 40 & T[,4] <= 51,11],pch='S',col="red",font=2) points(T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 53,10],T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 53,11],pch='S',col="red",font=2) points(T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 54,10],T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 54,11],pch='S',col="red",font=2) # Northern Democrats points(T[T[,7] == 100 & (T[,4] < 40 | T[,4] > 54),10],T[T[,7] == 100 & (T[,4] < 40 | T[,4] > 54),11],pch='D',col="red",font=2) points(T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 52,10],T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 52,11],pch='D',col="red",font=2) # Republicans points(T[T[,7] == 200,10],T[T[,7] == 200,11],pch='R',col="blue",font=2) # Presidents points(T[T[,4] == 99,10],T[T[,4] == 99,11],pch='P',col="black",font=2) # # # This code does the cross-hairs for the standard errors. If the # correlation is greater than .15 between the two dimensions, # the 95% confidence ellipse is shown # for (i in 1:nrowtarget) { This Code Block is From Parametric Bootstrap # Plotting Program Used in Homework 6 # These two statements do the cross-hairs The Left Panel Always Shows the Bootstrap Results -- # Cross-Hairs and Ellipses lines(c(T[i,10],T[i,10]),c(T[i,11]-1.96*T[i,15],T[i,11]+1.96*T[i,15]),col="gray") lines(c(T[i,10]-1.96*T[i,14],T[i,10]+1.96*T[i,14]),c(T[i,11],T[i,11]),col="gray") # # This if statement does the ellipse # if (abs(T[i,16]) > .30){ lines(ellipse(x=T[i,16],scale=c(T[i,14],T[i,15]), centre=c(T[i,10],T[i,11])), col="gray") } } # # # mar # A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which # gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four # sides of the plot. The default is c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1. # par(mar=c(4.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) # # # plot(T[,10],T[,11],type="n",asp=1,main="", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(-1.0,1.0),ylim=c(-1.0,1.0), cex=1.2,font=2) # # Main title Note that the Title has a Counter for the Trials # mtext(paste("Bootstrap Trial ", iiii, "\n", "President Bush"),side=3,line=1.25,cex=1.2,font=2) # # x-axis title mtext("Liberal - Conservative",side=1,line=2.25,cex=1.2,font=2) # y-axis title #mtext("Social Issues",side=2,line=2.25,cex=1.2,font=2) # # Southern Democrats points(T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] >= 40 & T[,4] <= 51,10],T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] >= 40 & T[,4] <= 51,11],pch='S',col="red",font=2) points(T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 53,10],T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 53,11],pch='S',col="red",font=2) points(T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 54,10],T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 54,11],pch='S',col="red",font=2) # Northern Democrats points(T[T[,7] == 100 & (T[,4] < 40 | T[,4] > 54),10],T[T[,7] == 100 & (T[,4] < 40 | T[,4] > 54),11],pch='D',col="red",font=2) points(T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 52,10],T[T[,7] == 100 & T[,4] == 52,11],pch='D',col="red",font=2) # Republicans points(T[T[,7] == 200,10],T[T[,7] == 200,11],pch='R',col="blue",font=2) # Presidents points(T[T[,4] == 99,10],T[T[,4] == 99,11],pch='P',col="black",font=2) # # Plot Bootstrap Trial # points(TBOOT[1:iiii,15],TBOOT[1:iiii,16],pch=16,col="purple",font=2) With Each Jpeg You have to Write all the previous trials up through the current one points(xtrial1,xtrial2,pch=16,col="black",cex=1.3,font=2) This Puts a Black Dot on the Position of the Senator # dev.off() # turn off the postscript device }After the program runs it creates 0001.jpg to 1001.jpg and stores them in C:/ucsd_homework_movie/JPG_ANI/. To make the movie, open QuickTime and in the file menu there is an option "Open Image Sequence: