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W-NOMINATE Files With Parametric Bootstrapped Standard Errors


Jeff Lewis and Keith Poole

(Updated 24 October 2006)

Below are W-NOMINATE Legislator Coordinate files with parametric bootstrapped standard errors (the W-NOMINATE Parametric Bootstrap Program is posted on the W-NOMINATE Parametric Bootstrap Program Page). For an explanation of how these are computed see:

For each House and Senate there are two files -- one has the legislator coordinates with the bootstrapped standard errors and the other contains the 1000 bootstrapped trials used to compute the standard errors. All the files are text files.

The file with the bootstrapped standard errors for the 105th Senate looks like this:

   1 1059990999 0USA     10000CLINTON       -0.8407    0.5414   -0.7995    0.5040    0.0928    0.1560    0.3781
   2 1054970041 0ALABAMA 20001SESSIONS       0.8796   -0.3991    0.9206   -0.3642    0.0524    0.0829    0.7469
   3 1059465941 0ALABAMA 20001SHELBY         0.6532   -0.0546    0.7302   -0.0772    0.0892    0.1210    0.0299
   4 1051490781 0ALASKA  20001MURKOWSKI      0.5494    0.3198    0.6009    0.3218    0.0696    0.1322   -0.0433
   5 1051210981 0ALASKA  20001STEVENS        0.3120    0.6300    0.3827    0.6287    0.0832    0.1257    0.0180
                                  etc etc etc
         The first column is an integer counter
         The column in red is the Congress number
         The column in blue is the ICPSR ID Number
         The column in Magenta is the ICPSR State Code
         The column of zeroes will show the two digit Congressional District Number for House Roll Call Matrices
         The column in Coral is the first seven letters of the State Name
         The column in Midnightblue is the party code -- see the Party Codes Page for a complete listing
         The column in Firebrick are the ICPSR Occupancy and Election Codes
         Name of Senator/Representative
         The columns in Turquoise are the W-NOMINATE Coordinates. 
         The columns in Purple are the Mean Coordinate Values For the 1000 Trials
         The columns in Green are the Parametric Bootstrapped Standard Errors
         The last column in Deeppink is the Pearson Correlation Between the First and
                  Second Dimension Coordinate estimates across the 1000 Bootstrap Trials
                  This can be used to obtain the corresponding covariance term
                                  etc etc etc
  97 1051492256 0WEST VI 10001ROCKEFELLER   -0.7299    0.6440   -0.7095    0.5983    0.0544    0.1049   -0.0280
  98 1054930925 0WISCONS 10001FEINGOLD      -0.7723   -0.6353   -0.7796   -0.6066    0.0465    0.0685   -0.7627
  99 1051570325 0WISCONS 10001KOHL          -0.6280   -0.3566   -0.6327   -0.4450    0.0492    0.1445   -0.0130
 100 1054970668 0WYOMING 20001ENZI           0.7526   -0.1695    0.8195   -0.2170    0.0805    0.1246    0.0087
 101 1051563368 0WYOMING 20001THOMAS         0.6881   -0.0141    0.7503   -0.0363    0.0758    0.1184    0.0068
The file containing the 1000 bootstrapped sets of coordinates for the 105th Senate looks like this:

    11059990999 0USA     10000CLINTON       42   6   1  30  0.831 -0.841  0.541  0.117  0.910
    21054970041 0ALABAMA 20001SESSIONS     278  20  13 169  0.859  0.880 -0.399  0.051  0.137
    31059465941 0ALABAMA 20001SHELBY       293  30  20 141  0.749  0.653 -0.055  0.036  0.112
    41051490781 0ALASKA  20001MURKOWSKI    296  20  13 139  0.835  0.549  0.320  0.042  0.130
    51051210981 0ALASKA  20001STEVENS      313  17  35 119  0.780  0.312  0.630  0.041  0.120
                                  etc etc etc
         The fields through the name of the Senator/Representative are the same as above
         The cross classification is in Deeppink. 
                The second and third columns are classification errors -- predicted yes voted no
                and predicted no voted yes.  So for Clinton
                correct classification = (42+30)/(42+30+6+1) = 91.1%
         The column in Black is the Geometric Mean Probability
         The two columns in Turquoise are the Legislator coordinates
         The last two columns in Green are the Conditional Standard Errors
                                  etc etc etc
The format of this file is exactly the same as that for NOM31.DAT and it is discussed in detail on the W-NOMINATE Page. This file has 1001 sets of coordinates. The first set is identical to the ones contained in the file with the Standard Errors and the following 1000 sets are the 1000 parametric bootstrap trials.

We are computing these files for every House and Senate in American history and as they are computed we will update this page weekly until they are completed. We will also post corresponding files for QN.

We also plan to make programs available that will compute the standard errors for various other statistics of interest such as the median legislator and Filibuster and Veto Pivots. We will post these programs shortly.

If you have questions or need help with these files please send us e-mail at jblewis@ucla.edu (Jeff Lewis) or KPoole@ucsd.edu (Keith Poole).

108th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (101 Records)
108th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (101,101 Records)
108th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (440 Records)
108th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (440,440 Records)

107th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
107th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
107th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (443 Records)
107th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (443,443 Records)

106th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (103 Records)
106th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (103,103 Records)
106th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (440 Records)
106th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (440,440 Records)

105th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (101 Records)
105th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (101,101 Records)
105th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (443 Records)
105th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (443,443 Records)

104th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (104 Records)
104th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (104,104 Records)
104th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (446 Records)
104th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (446,446 Records)

103rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
103rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
103rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
103rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

102nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (103 Records)
102nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (103,103 Records)
102nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (440 Records)
102nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (440,440 Records)

101st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (101 Records)
101st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (101,101 Records)
101st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
101st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

100th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
100th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
100th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (440 Records)
100th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (440,440 Records)

99th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
99th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
99th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
99th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

98th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
98th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
98th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
98th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

97th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
97th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
97th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
97th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

96th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
96th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
96th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (440 Records)
96th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (440,440 Records)

95th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (105 Records)
95th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (105,105 Records)
95th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
95th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

94th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (101 Records)
94th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (101,101 Records)
94th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (439 Records)
94th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (439,439 Records)

93rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (103 Records)
93rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (103,103 Records)
93rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (441 Records)
93rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (441,441 Records)

92nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (103 Records)
92nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (103,103 Records)
92nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (441 Records)
92nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (441,441 Records)

91st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (103 Records)
91st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (103,103 Records)
91st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (443 Records)
91st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (443,443 Records)

90th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
90th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
90th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
90th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

89th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (103 Records)
89th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (103,103 Records)
89th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (442 Records)
89th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (442,442 Records)

88th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (104 Records)
88th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (104,104 Records)
88th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (442 Records)
88th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (442,442 Records)

87th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (106 Records)
87th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (106,106 Records)
87th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (445 Records)
87th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (445,445 Records)

86th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (104 Records)
86th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (104,104 Records)
86th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (440 Records)
86th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (440,440 Records)

85th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (99 Records)
85th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (99,099 Records)
85th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (442 Records)
85th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (442,442 Records)

84th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
84th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)
84th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
84th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

83rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (103 Records)
83rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (103,103 Records)
83rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (435 Records)
83rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (435,435 Records)

82nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (97 Records)
82nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (97,097 Records)
82nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (443 Records)
82nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (443,443 Records)

81st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
81st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
81st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (439 Records)
81st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (439,439 Records)

80th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (97 Records)
80th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (97,097 Records)
80th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (447 Records)
80th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (447,447 Records)

79th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (101 Records)
79th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (101,101 Records)
79th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (443 Records)
79th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (443,443 Records)

78th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
78th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)
78th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (443 Records)
78th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (443,443 Records)

77th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
77th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)
77th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (441 Records)
77th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (441,441 Records)

76th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (99 Records)
76th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (99,099 Records)
76th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (449 Records)
76th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (449,449 Records)

75th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
75th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)
75th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (439 Records)
75th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (439,439 Records)

74th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (99 Records)
74th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (99,099 Records)
74th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
74th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

73rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (99 Records)
73rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (99,099 Records)
73rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (443 Records)
73rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (443,443 Records)

72nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (102 Records)
72nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (102,102 Records)
72nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (439 Records)
72nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (439,439 Records)

71st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (109 Records)
71st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (109,109 Records)
71st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (440 Records)
71st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (440,440 Records)

70th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (99 Records)
70th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (99,099 Records)
70th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (440 Records)
70th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (440,440 Records)

69th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (101 Records)
69th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (101,101 Records)
69th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (433 Records)
69th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (433,433 Records)

68th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
68th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)
68th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (436 Records)
68th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (436,436 Records)

67th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (104 Records)
67th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (104,104 Records)
67th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (449 Records)
67th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (449,449 Records)

66th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
66th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)
66th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (450 Records)
66th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (450,450 Records)

65th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (105 Records)
65th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (105,105 Records)
65th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (447 Records)
65th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (447,447 Records)

64th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (98 Records)
64th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (98,098 Records)
64th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
64th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

63rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (101 Records)
63rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (101,101 Records)
63rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (438 Records)
63rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (438,438 Records)

62nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (106 Records)
62nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (106,106 Records)
62nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (400 Records)
62nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (400,400 Records)

61st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
61st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)
61st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (397 Records)
61st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (397,397 Records)

60th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (87 Records)
60th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (87,087 Records)
60th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (384 Records)
60th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (384,384 Records)

59th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (90 Records)
59th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (90,090 Records)
59th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (377 Records)
59th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (377,377 Records)

58th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (87 Records)
58th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (87,087 Records)
58th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (368 Records)
58th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (368,368 Records)

57th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (88 Records)
57th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (88,088 Records)
57th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (358 Records)
57th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (358,358 Records)

56th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (90 Records)
56th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (90,090 Records)
56th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (359 Records)
56th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (359,359 Records)

55th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (92 Records)
55th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (92,092 Records)
55th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (363 Records)
55th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (363,363 Records)

54th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (89 Records)
54th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (89,089 Records)
54th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (359 Records)
54th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (359,359 Records)

53rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (94 Records)
53rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (94,094 Records)
53rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (370 Records)
53rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (370,370 Records)

52nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (88 Records)
52nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (88,088 Records)
52nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (336 Records)
52nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (336,336 Records)

51st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (88 Records)
51st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (88,088 Records)
51st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (344 Records)
51st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (344,344 Records)

50th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (76 Records)
50th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (76,076 Records)
50th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (323 Records)
50th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (323,323 Records)

49th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (79 Records)
49th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (79,079 Records)
49th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (325 Records)
49th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (325,325 Records)

48th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (78 Records)
48th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (78,078 Records)
48th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (335 Records)
48th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (335,335 Records)

47th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (83 Records)
47th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (83,083 Records)
47th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (298 Records)
47th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (298,298 Records)

46th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (80 Records)
46th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (80,080 Records)
46th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (297 Records)
46th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (297,297 Records)

45th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (78 Records)
45th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (78,078 Records)
45th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (301 Records)
45th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (301,301 Records)

44th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (79 Records)
44th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (79,079 Records)
44th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (303 Records)
44th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (303,303 Records)

43rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (76 Records)
43rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (76,076 Records)
43rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (300 Records)
43rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (300,300 Records)

42nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (75 Records)
42nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (75,075 Records)
42nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (252 Records)
42nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (252,252 Records)

41st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (78 Records)
41st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (78,078 Records)
41st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (254 Records)
41st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (254,254 Records)

40th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (67 Records)
40th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (67,067 Records)
40th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (230 Records)
40th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (230,230 Records)

39th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (56 Records)
39th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (56,056 Records)
39th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (197 Records)
39th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (197,197 Records)

38th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (52 Records)
38th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (52,052 Records)
38th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (186 Records)
38th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (186,186 Records)

37th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (65 Records)
37th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (65,065 Records)
37th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (190 Records)
37th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (190,190 Records)

36th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (69 Records)
36th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (69,069 Records)
36th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (243 Records)
36th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (243,243 Records)

35th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (71 Records)
35th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (71,071 Records)
35th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (242 Records)
35th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (242,242 Records)

34th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (63 Records)
34th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (63,063 Records)
34th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (235 Records)
34th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (235,235 Records)

33rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (66 Records)
33rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (66,066 Records)
33rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (237 Records)
33rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (237,237 Records)

32nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (67 Records)
32nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (67,067 Records)
32nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (238 Records)
32nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (238,238 Records)

31st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (66 Records)
31st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (66,066 Records)
31st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (232 Records)
31st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (232,232 Records)

30th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (68 Records)
30th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (68,068 Records)
30th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (233 Records)
30th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (233,233 Records)

29th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (61 Records)
29th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (61,061 Records)
29th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (233 Records)
29th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (233,233 Records)

28th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (56 Records)
28th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (56,056 Records)
28th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (230 Records)
28th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (230,230 Records)

27th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (59 Records)
27th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (59,059 Records)
27th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (255 Records)
27th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (255,255 Records)

26th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (57 Records)
26th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (57,057 Records)
26th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (254 Records)
26th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (254,254 Records)

25th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (57 Records)
25th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (57,057 Records)
25th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (254 Records)
25th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (254,254 Records)

24th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (60 Records)
24th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (60,060 Records)
24th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (253 Records)
24th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (253,253 Records)

23rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (52 Records)
23rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (52,052 Records)
23rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (254 Records)
23rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (254,254 Records)

22nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (52 Records)
22nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (52,052 Records)
22nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (216 Records)
22nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (216,216 Records)

21st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (50 Records)
21st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (50,050 Records)
21st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (216 Records)
21st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (216,216 Records)

20th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (53 Records)
20th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (53,053 Records)
20th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (217 Records)
20th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (217,217 Records)

19th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (52 Records)
19th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (52,052 Records)
19th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (217 Records)
19th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (217,217 Records)

18th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (51 Records)
18th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (51,051 Records)
18th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (211 Records)
18th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (211,211 Records)

17th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (50 Records)
17th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (50,050 Records)
17th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (183 Records)
17th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (183,183 Records)

16th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (50 Records)
16th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (50,050 Records)
16th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (196 Records)
16th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (196,196 Records)

15th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (41 Records)
15th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (41,041 Records)
15th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (187 Records)
15th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (187,187 Records)

14th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (43 Records)
14th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (43,043 Records)
14th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (188 Records)
14th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (188,188 Records)

13th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (43 Records)
13th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (43,043 Records)
13th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (194 Records)
13th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (194,194 Records)

12th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (37 Records)
12th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (37,037 Records)
12th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (144 Records)
12th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (144,144 Records)

11th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (38 Records)
11th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (38,038 Records)
11th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (150 Records)
11th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (150,150 Records)

10th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (35 Records)
10th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (35,035 Records)
10th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (143 Records)
10th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (143,143 Records)

9th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (32 Records)
9th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (32,032 Records)
9th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (145 Records)
9th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (145,145 Records)

8th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (37 Records)
8th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (37,037 Records)
8th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (144 Records)
8th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (144,144 Records)

7th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (29 Records)
7th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (29,029 Records)
7th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
7th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)

6th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (36 Records)
6th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (36,036 Records)
6th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (108 Records)
6th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (108,108 Records)

5th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (36 Records)
5th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (36,036 Records)
5th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (115 Records)
5th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (115,115 Records)

4th Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (30 Records)
4th Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (30,030 Records)
4th House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (108 Records)
4th House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (108,108 Records)

3rd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (29 Records)
3rd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (29,029 Records)
3rd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (100 Records)
3rd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (100,100 Records)

2nd Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (27 Records)
2nd Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (27,027 Records)
2nd House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (67 Records)
2nd House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (67,067 Records)

1st Senate W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (26 Records)
1st Senate W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (26,026 Records)
1st House W-NOMINATE Scores With Bootstrapped Standard Errors (63 Records)
1st House W-NOMINATE Score Output of 1000 BS Trials (63,063 Records)

Site Links

NOMINATE Data, Roll Call Data, and Software
Course Web Pages: University of Georgia (2010 - )
Course Web Pages: UC San Diego (2004 - 2010)
University of San Diego Law School (2005)
Course Web Pages: University of Houston (2000 - 2005)
Course Web Pages: Carnegie-Mellon University (1997 - 2000)
Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R
Spatial Models of Parliamentary Voting
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Analyses of Recent Politics
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K7MOA Log Books: 1960 - 2017
Bio of Keith T. Poole
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