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Fifth Assignment
Due 16 May 2007

  1. The aim of this problem is to familarize you with my Optimal Classification (OC) program. Download the program and the "control card" file:

    PERFL_2006.EXE -- Maximum Classification Scaling Program
    and place them in the same folder on a WINDOZE machine. PERFSTRT_2006.DAT looks like this:
        2  675   20   36   10   21   20 0.005    5
    The first line is the roll call data file, the second line is the title, the third line, in order, is the number of dimensions, the number of roll calls, the number of iterations (leave as is), the number of "characters" to read off the front of each legislator's record (leave as is), the record number of a Senator that you believe is on the "Left" (this just sets "liberal" on the left -- lower ranks or negative values on the first dimension if the scaling is in two or more dimensions -- and "conservative" on the right), and the record number of a Senator that you believe is on "Up" or on positive side of the second dimension (in the U.S. context, these are the Southern Democrats in an earlier era). The last line is the format for the coordinate output file. Please study the examples on the Optimal Classification Program page because we will be using this program several more times!

    1. At the command line type


      The program should only take a few seconds to run and it produces three output files -- PERF21.DAT, PERF23.DAT, and PERF25.DAT. PERF21.DAT should look something like this:
       30 APRIL     2007
       RANDOM NUMBER SEED     44600
          2  675   20   36   10   21   20 0.005
        1 ROLL CALLS   2    2810   53605  0.05242  0.94758  0.85508           0.00000
          LEGISLATORS  2    2744   53605  0.05119  0.94881  0.85848  0.00000
        2 ROLL CALLS   2    2668   53605  0.04979  0.95021  0.86240           0.99586
          LEGISLATORS  2    2655   53605  0.04953  0.95047  0.86307  0.99862
        3 ROLL CALLS   2    2645   53605  0.04934  0.95066  0.86359           0.99848
          LEGISLATORS  2    2634   53605  0.04914  0.95086  0.86416  0.99525
        4 ROLL CALLS   2    2624   53605  0.04895  0.95105  0.86467           0.99847
          LEGISLATORS  2    2621   53605  0.04889  0.95111  0.86483  0.99946
        5 ROLL CALLS   2    2616   53605  0.04880  0.95120  0.86509           0.99780
          LEGISLATORS  2    2613   53605  0.04875  0.95125  0.86524  0.99993
        6 ROLL CALLS   2    2609   53605  0.04867  0.95133  0.86545           0.99968
          LEGISLATORS  2    2606   53605  0.04861  0.95139  0.86560  0.99995
        7 ROLL CALLS   2    2603   53605  0.04856  0.95144  0.86576           0.99803
          LEGISLATORS  2    2600   53605  0.04850  0.95150  0.86591  0.99997
        8 ROLL CALLS   2    2599   53605  0.04848  0.95152  0.86596           0.99817
          LEGISLATORS  2    2599   53605  0.04848  0.95152  0.86596  0.99999
        9 ROLL CALLS   2    2596   53605  0.04843  0.95157  0.86612           0.99957
          LEGISLATORS  2    2595   53605  0.04841  0.95159  0.86617  0.99965
       10 ROLL CALLS   2    2593   53605  0.04837  0.95163  0.86627           0.99957
          LEGISLATORS  2    2592   53605  0.04835  0.95165  0.86632  0.99992
       11 ROLL CALLS   2    2590   53605  0.04832  0.95168  0.86643           0.99965
          LEGISLATORS  2    2587   53605  0.04826  0.95174  0.86658  0.99999
       12 ROLL CALLS   2    2584   53605  0.04820  0.95180  0.86674           0.99930
          LEGISLATORS  2    2583   53605  0.04819  0.95181  0.86679  0.99999
       13 ROLL CALLS   2    2583   53605  0.04819  0.95181  0.86679           0.99986
          LEGISLATORS  2    2583   53605  0.04819  0.95181  0.86679  1.00000
       14 ROLL CALLS   2    2583   53605  0.04819  0.95181  0.86679           0.99998
          LEGISLATORS  2    2582   53605  0.04817  0.95183  0.86684  0.99999
       15 ROLL CALLS   2    2581   53605  0.04815  0.95185  0.86689           0.99975
          LEGISLATORS  2    2580   53605  0.04813  0.95187  0.86694  0.99999
       16 ROLL CALLS   2    2580   53605  0.04813  0.95187  0.86694           0.99994
          LEGISLATORS  2    2579   53605  0.04811  0.95189  0.86699  1.00000
       17 ROLL CALLS   2    2579   53605  0.04811  0.95189  0.86699           0.99933
          LEGISLATORS  2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704  1.00000
       18 ROLL CALLS   2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704           0.99999
          LEGISLATORS  2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704  1.00000
       19 ROLL CALLS   2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704           0.99992
          LEGISLATORS  2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704  1.00000
       20 ROLL CALLS   2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704           0.99979
          LEGISLATORS  2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704  1.00000
       MEAN VOLUME LEG.   0.0098   0.0495
       MACHINE PREC.   2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704
       MACHINE PREC.   2    2578   53605  0.04809  0.95191  0.86704
      The seventh column reports the correct classification. For the 108th Senate the algorithm quickly converges to 0.95191 (95.2%).

      Turn in a copy of this file.

    2. The file PERF25.DAT contains the output coordinates for the Senators and the roll calls. The first few lines of PERF25.DAT for the Senators should look very similar to this:
       30 APRIL     2007
          1 1089991099 0USA     200  BUSH           0   90   1.000   0.501   0.344   0.064
          2 1084970041 0ALABAMA 20001SESSIONS      17  549   0.969   0.018   0.291  -0.114
          3 1089465941 0ALABAMA 20001SHELBY        27  547   0.951   0.002   0.257   0.020
          4 1084030081 0ALASKA  20025MURKOWSKI     23  532   0.957   0.002   0.232   0.097
          5 1081210981 0ALASKA  20001STEVENS       19  554   0.966   0.009   0.242   0.109
          6 1081542961 0ARIZONA 20001KYL           16  550   0.971   0.002   0.305  -0.290
          7 1081503961 0ARIZONA 20001MCCAIN        46  545   0.916   0.002   0.206  -0.822
          8 1084030142 0ARKANSA 10001PRYOR         23  554   0.958   0.005  -0.215   0.567
          9 1082930542 0ARKANSA 10001LINCOLN       17  553   0.969   0.003  -0.200   0.576
         10 1081501171 0CALIFOR 10001BOXER         11  536   0.979   0.002  -0.314  -0.208
                             etc etc etc
      The last two columns are the two-dimensional coordinates. The party code is just to the right of the state name: 100=Democrat, 200=Republican. The state codes are to the left of the column of zeroes at the beginning of the state names.

      The first few lines of PERF25.DAT for the Roll Calls (just below the Senators) should look very similar to this:
          1    1  51  46   1  48  53 6 1  0.978  0.026  0.603 -0.797
          2    2  45  52   0  48  53 1 6  1.000  0.017  0.992 -0.126
          3    3  45  52   0  48  53 1 6  1.000  0.017  0.992 -0.126
          4    4  52  45   0  47  54 6 1  1.000 -0.123  0.997 -0.074
          5    5  46  51   0  48  53 1 6  1.000  0.017  0.992 -0.126
          6    6  52  46   1  48  53 6 1  0.978  0.025  0.605 -0.796
          7    7  46  52   0  47  54 1 6  1.000 -0.123  0.997 -0.074
          8    8  62  33  13  73  28 1 6  0.606  0.246  0.989 -0.148
          9   10  88   4   2  96   5 1 6  0.500  0.294  0.998 -0.058
         10   11  51  45   0  49  52 6 1  1.000  0.050  0.899  0.437
                             etc etc etc
      The last two columns are the Normal Vector coordinates two-dimensional and the column immediately to the left of the Normal Vector Coordinates is the position on the Normal Vector where the Cutting Plane intersects.

      Make a two-dimensional plot of the Cutting Planes and the Senator coordinates using the R program below:

      plot_oc_output_X_and_Z.r -- R Program to Plot OC Cutting Line and Legislator Outputs

      Use Epsilon to create the two files from PERF25.DAT that the R program reads. When you run the program you should see:

      The "P" is President Bush. Modify the program to display the names of a few prominent Senators. Turn in the graph.

    3. The file PERF23.DAT has some miscellaneous diagnostics for the program including the eigenvalues of the double-centered agreement score matrix. Here is the relevant portion of the file:
         1   12.7734   78.2262   78.2262   15.0802   70.5133   70.5133
         2    0.3268    2.0014   80.2276    0.5582    2.6101   73.1234
         3    0.2346    1.4370   81.6646    0.3818    1.7855   74.9088
         4    0.1530    0.9368   82.6014    0.2805    1.3118   76.2206
         5    0.1347    0.8252   83.4266    0.2585    1.2087   77.4294
         6    0.1025    0.6279   84.0545    0.2383    1.1144   78.5438
         7    0.0811    0.4965   84.5510    0.2132    0.9969   79.5408
         8    0.0762    0.4668   85.0178    0.1844    0.8621   80.4029
         9    0.0720    0.4409   85.4587    0.1613    0.7544   81.1572
        10    0.0685    0.4193   85.8780    0.1518    0.7099   81.8672
        11    0.0616    0.3774   86.2554    0.1355    0.6333   82.5005
        12    0.0542    0.3321   86.5875    0.1253    0.5857   83.0862
        13    0.0523    0.3204   86.9079    0.1214    0.5675   83.6537
        14    0.0511    0.3128   87.2207    0.1182    0.5529   84.2066
        15    0.0483    0.2957   87.5163    0.1151    0.5382   84.7448
        16    0.0415    0.2542   87.7706    0.1091    0.5101   85.2548
        17    0.0391    0.2394   88.0100    0.1004    0.4694   85.7242
        18    0.0364    0.2232   88.2332    0.0993    0.4644   86.1886
        19    0.0346    0.2118   88.4450    0.0976    0.4564   86.6449
        20    0.0330    0.2023   88.6473    0.0909    0.4252   87.0701
      The second column with a first entry of 12.7734 are the eigenvalues. Make a graph of the eigenvalues like the one you did for Homework 3 Q.3.d. In particular, you can modify the code below to do this:
      nrow <- 10
      # Main title:   which side of the plot (1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top, 4=right). 
      mtext("Normalized Eigenvalues of Double-Centered\n Agreement Score Matrix for the 104th Senate",side=3,line=2.75,cex=1.2)
      # x-axis title
      # y-axis title
      mtext("Normalized Eigenvalue",side=2,line=2.5,cex=1.2)
      #  I am tricking R to do a nice looking x-axis by forcing
      #      the labels
         labels=c(' 1',' 2',' 3',' 4',' 5',' 6',' 7',' 8',' 9','10'),
      #  font switch:  1 corresponds to plain text, 
      #                2 to bold face, 3 to italic and 4 to bold italic
      #  the at=NULL tells R to compute tick marks internally

    4. Use Epsilon to change the number of dimensions from 2 to 1 in PERFSTRT_2006.DAT and run PERFL_2006 again (be sure to save the output files from the two-dimensional run first!!!! -- they will be overwritten by the new ones!). PERF21.DAT should look something like this:
       30 APRIL     2007
       RANDOM NUMBER SEED     42300
          1  675   20   36   10   21   20 0.005    5
        1 ROLL CALLS   1    3302   53605  0.06160  0.93840  0.82971
        2 LEGISLATORS  1    3224   53605  0.06014  0.93986  0.83373  0.99820
        3 ROLL CALLS   1    3167   53605  0.05908  0.94092  0.83667
        4 LEGISLATORS  1    3156   53605  0.05888  0.94112  0.83724  0.99972
        5 ROLL CALLS   1    3134   53605  0.05846  0.94154  0.83837
        6 LEGISLATORS  1    3124   53605  0.05828  0.94172  0.83889  0.99989
        7 ROLL CALLS   1    3112   53605  0.05805  0.94195  0.83950
        8 LEGISLATORS  1    3109   53605  0.05800  0.94200  0.83966  0.99994
        9 ROLL CALLS   1    3103   53605  0.05789  0.94211  0.83997
       10 LEGISLATORS  1    3102   53605  0.05787  0.94213  0.84002  0.99994
       11 ROLL CALLS   1    3098   53605  0.05779  0.94221  0.84023
       12 LEGISLATORS  1    3097   53605  0.05777  0.94223  0.84028  0.99998
       13 ROLL CALLS   1    3097   53605  0.05777  0.94223  0.84028
       14 LEGISLATORS  1    3096   53605  0.05776  0.94224  0.84033  0.99999
       SHARPEN         2    3090   53605
       SHARPEN         3    3087   53605
       SHARPEN         4    3085   53605
       SHARPEN         5    3085   53605
       L-PERMUTATIONS  5    3085   53605  0.05755  0.94245  0.84090
      The correct classification is now 94.245% (0.94245).

      Turn in a copy of this file.

    5. The PERF25.DAT file contains a rank ordering for the Senators and the roll calls. The first part of the file shows the Senators in rank order and then in the order that they appear in the roll call file with their ranking:
       30 APRIL     2007
          1 1081491412 0NEW JER 10001LAUTENBERG    24  548   0.956   1.000
          2 1084010412 0NEW JER 10001CORZINE       28  545   0.949   2.000
          3 10829142 5 0RHODE I 10001REED          24  551   0.956   3.000
          4 10810808 3 0MASSACH 10001KENNEDY  ED   17  530   0.968   4.000
          5 10814213 1 0CONNECT 10001DODD          25  547   0.954   5.500
          6 1081440082 0HAWAII  10001AKAKA         30  525   0.943   5.500
          7 1081303952 0MARYLAN 10001SARBANES       8  543   0.985   7.000
          8 1081120448 0SOUTH C 10001HOLLINGS      69  517   0.867   8.000
          9 10814307 6 0VERMONT 10001LEAHY         32  545   0.941   9.500
         10 108 136656 0WEST VI 10001BYRD  ROBER   53  539   0.902   9.500
         97 1089991099 0USA     200  BUSH           1   90   0.989  97.000
         98 1081542961 0ARIZONA 20001KYL           22  550   0.960  98.000
         99 1084970041 0ALABAMA 20001SESSIONS      20  549   0.964  99.000
        100 1082953765 0NEVADA  20001ENSIGN        38  543   0.930 100.000
        101 1081490853 0OKLAHOM 20001NICKLES  DO   16  552   0.971 101.000
          1 1089991099 0USA     200  BUSH           1   90   0.989  97.000
          2 1084970041 0ALABAMA 20001SESSIONS      20  549   0.964  99.000
          3 1089465941 0ALABAMA 20001SHELBY        29  547   0.947  70.000
          4 1084030081 0ALASKA  20025MURKOWSKI     30  532   0.944  70.000
          5 1081210981 0ALASKA  20001STEVENS       21  554   0.962  67.500
          6 1081542961 0ARIZONA 20001KYL           22  550   0.960  98.000
          7 1081503961 0ARIZONA 20001MCCAIN        88  545   0.839  93.500
          8 1084030142 0ARKANSA 10001PRYOR         34  554   0.939  43.000
          9 1082930542 0ARKANSA 10001LINCOLN       24  553   0.957  44.000
         10 1081501171 0CALIFOR 10001BOXER         23  536   0.957  14.000
         98 1084930925 0WISCONS 10001FEINGOLD      54  556   0.903  18.000
         99 1081570325 0WISCONS 10001KOHL          35  549   0.936  34.000
        100 1084970668 0WYOMING 20001ENZI          23  553   0.958  90.000
        101 1081563368 0WYOMING 20001THOMAS        17  549   0.969  89.000
      Note that below the legislators are the rank positions for the roll call cutting points.

      Use R to plot the rank-ordering of the Senators (horizontal axis) against the first dimension from the two-dimensional run done above (vertical axis). In the graph display the Pearson correlation between the two in a fashion similar to the way I displayed the STRESS value for the Weisberg & Rusk candidate configuration in Homework 4 Q.1 (in R the command to compute a Pearson correlation is cor(x,y) where x and y are two vectors).

  2. The aim of this problem is to familarize you with the Aldrich-McKelvey scaling program. Download the program and the 1968 data and "control card" files:

    MCKALNEW.EXE -- Aldrich-McKelvey scaling program
    and place them in the same folder on a WINTEL machine. Read the Aldrich-McKelvey scaling program page to see how to run the program.

    Here are the first three lines of OLS68A.DAT.
     1681  0 10  1  1  1  1  1 63  4  4  5  7  1  2  2  3  7  1  1
     1124  0 10  1  0  0  0  1 82  1  1  4  4  1  1  1  1  4  1  5
       78  5 10  1  0  1  1  1 78  2  1  5  7  4  5  5  6  6  7  5
    The variables, in order, are:
        RESPONDENT ID      = unique 4 digit number
        PARTY ID           = 0 to 6 -- 0 = Strong Democrat
                                       1 = Weak Democrat
                                       2 = Lean Democrat
                                       3 = Independent
                                       4 = Lean Republican
                                       5 = Weak Republican
                                       6 = Strong Republican
        RAW INCOME         = **do not use**
        FAMILY INCOME      = income quintile 1 - 5
        SEX                = 0 Man, 1 Woman
        RACE               = 0 White, 1 Black
        SOUTH              = 0 North, 1 South
        EDUCATION          = 1 High School or less, 2 Some College, 3 College
        AGE                = In Years
        URBAN UNREST SCALE = Johnson, Humphrey, Nixon, Wallace, Self-Placement
        VIETNAM SCALE      = Johnson, Humphrey, Nixon, Wallace, Self-Placement
        VOTED              = 1 Voted, 5 Did Not Vote
    Run the Aldrich-McKelvey scaling procedure using both the urban unrest and vietnam files. In particular, for the urban unrest scale here are the commands:

    Control Card File Name? URBAN68.CTL
    Data File Name? OLS68A.DAT
    Output File Name? URBAN.PRN
    Coordinate Output File Name? URBAN.DAT

    The program reads URBAN68.CTL and OLS68A.DAT and writes the output files to disk. The coordinates for the political stimuli are in URBAN.PRN. In particular, here is the relevant portion of URBAN.PRN:
        etc etc etc
        LBJ      HHH      NIXON    WALLA
      -0.3978  -0.4262   0.0116   0.8124  These are the coordinates
      -0.4087  -0.4229   0.0232   0.8084
          0.0919      0.5075
             etc etc etc
    1. Graph the scaled stimuli coordinates against each other using R -- that is, use the Vietnam coordinates as the horizontal axis and the Urban Unrest coordinates as the vertical axis. Use the names of the candidates and label the graph and the axes appropriately. Why do you think the plot looks the way it does?

    2. Use Epsilon to merge the party ID variable from OLS68A.DAT into the coordinate output file. For example, here are the first few lines of the coordinate output file for the urban unrest scale:
            1   1681   1.0   -2.6243    0.5249   -2.0994    0.9994    0.9997
            2   1124   1.0   -0.8831    0.3532   -0.5298    0.6790    0.8240
            3     78   4.0   -0.9588    0.2557    0.0639    0.8992    0.9483
            4    553   4.0   -1.2302    0.2895   -0.0724    0.6460    0.8037
      The second column is the respondent ID number. Use the respondent ID number to match OLS68A.DAT with the output file and insert the party ID code into the output file. After you have inserted the party code you can delete all the columns except the party code, BETA (you will need that for graphing), and the Scaled Position. If you have done everything correctly the first few lines of your file should look like this:
        0     0.5249   -2.0994
        0     0.3532   -0.5298
        5     0.2557    0.0639
        1     0.2895   -0.0724
        1     0.2763    0.6907
        1     1.3930   -0.3482
        0     1.0597   -0.5298
        0     0.2322   -0.3482
        0     0.4371   -0.8742
        5     0.3901    0.6827
        0     0.0033    0.0050
        0     0.2119   -0.5298
        1     0.2624    0.2624
        2     0.2938   -0.5142
        1     0.2745    0.1373
      Write an Epsilon text macro that inserts the party variable into the coordinate file. In the macro, use a split screen and place the coordinate file in the top screen and OLS68A.DAT in the bottom screen. When you begin it should look like this:

      The beginning of the text macro should look like this:
      (define-macro "hw6" "C-U20C-F
      Open up another window and put the above macro fragment in it and you should be here:

      Finish constructing the macro and turn in the listing.

    3. Read the above file into R and make smoothed histograms of the scaled positions of the respondents by party ID. For example, to make smoothed histograms of the Strong Democrats and Strong Republicans use this R Program:

      Smoothed_Histogram_hw_6_2006.r -- R Program to Plot Strong Democrats and Strong Republicans on Urban Unrest Scale

      Here is what Smoothed_Histogram_hw_6_2006.r looks like:
      #  Smoothed_Histogram_hw_6_2006.r -- Plots Strong Democrats and Strong Republicans on 
      #                            1968 Urban Unrest Scale
      T <- matrix(scan("C:/UCSD_Homework_6/urban_hw6.txt",0),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
      #  Gore and Bush Voters
      strong.democrat <- T[T[,1]==0 & T[,2] > 0,3]    Select Strong Democrats With Positive Betas
      strong.republican <- T[T[,1]==6 & T[,2] > 0,3]  Select Strong Republicans With Positive Betas
      DemShare <- length(strong.democrat)/(length(strong.democrat)+length(strong.republican))   These two commands just compute
      RepShare <- length(strong.republican)/(length(strong.democrat)+length(strong.republican))  the proportions for the two Parties
      demdens <- density(strong.democrat)   density computes kernel density estimates. (Also see bandwidth.)
      demdens$y <- demdens$y*DemShare       This is a trick so that the two densities....
      repdens   <- density(strong.republican)
      repdens$y <- repdens$y*RepShare       ...will add to 1.0
      ymax1 <- max(demdens$y)
      ymax2 <- max(repdens$y)
      ymax <- 1.1*max(ymax1,ymax2)
      text( .50,0.800,"Red = Strong Democrats",col="red",font=2,cex=1.2)
      text( .50,0.725,"Blue = Strong Republicans",col="blue",font=2,cex=1.2)
      # Main title
      mtext("Strong Party Identifiers\nFrom 1968 Urban Unrest 7-Point Scale",side=3,line=1.50,cex=1.2,font=2)
      # x-axis title
      mtext("Urban Unrest Scale Value",side=1,line=2.75,cex=1.2)
      # y-axis title
      arrows(-.398, 0.06,-.398,0.0,length=0.1,lwd=3,col="red")
      arrows(-.426, 0.06,-.426,0.0,length=0.1,lwd=3,col="red")
      arrows( .012, 0.13, .012,0.0,length=0.1,lwd=3,col="blue")
      text( .000,.16,"Nixon",font=2)
      arrows( .812, 0.13, .812,0.0,length=0.1,lwd=3,col="green")
      text( .812,.18,"Wallace",font=2)
      #    LBJ      HHH      NIXON    WALLA
      #  -0.3978  -0.4262   0.0116   0.8124
      Here is the graph it produces:

      Turn in this plot.

    4. Similar to the above, make a graph for all Democrats (0,1,2) and all Republicans (4,5,6). Adjust the labeling accordingly and make certain that everything is neatly presented.

    5. Similar to the above, make a graph for all Democrats (0,1,2) and all Republicans (4,5,6) for the Vietnam scale. Adjust the labeling accordingly and make certain that everything is neatly presented.

    6. Similar to the above, make a graph for all Democrats (0,1,2), all Republicans (4,5,6), and Independents (4) for the Vietnam scale. Adjust the labeling accordingly and make certain that everything is neatly presented. To do this note that you will have to add code to compute IndShare and adjust everything so that the three smoothed histograms add up to 1.

  3. The aim of this problem is to show you how to use metric unfolding to analyze thermometer scores. To do this you need to run a program that unfolds the thermometer scores. We are going to analyze the 1968 feeling thermometers. Download the the program, control card file, and data file and place them in the same directory.

    MLSMU6.EXE -- Metric Unfolding Program
    The 1968 Election Data file contains the same variables that we used above plus the voting information for the respondents. The variables are:
    idno           respondent id number
    partyid        strength of party id -- 0 to 6
    income         raw income category
    incomeq        income quintile -- 1 to 5
    race           0 = white, 1 = black
    sex            0 = man, 1 = woman
    south          0 = north, 1 = south
    education      1=HS, 2=SC, 3=College
    age            age in years
    uulbj          lbj position urban unrest
    uuhhh          humphrey pos urban unrest
    uunixon        nixon position urban unrest
    uuwallace      wallace pos urban unrest
    uuself         self placement urban unrest
    vnmlbj         lbj pos vietnam
    vnmhhh         hhh pos vietnam
    vnmnixon       nixon pos vietnam
    vnmwallace     wallace pos vietnam
    vnmself        self placement vietnam
    voted          1=voted, 5=did not vote
    votedfor       who voted for -- 1 = humphrey, 2= nixon, 3=wallace
    wallace        wallace therm
    humphrey       humphrey thermometer
    nixon          nixon thermometer
    mccarthy       mccarthy thermometer
    reagan         reagan thermometer
    rockefeller    rockefeller thermometer
    lbj            lbj thermometer
    romney         romney thermometer
    kennedy        robert kennedy thermometer
    muskie         muskie thermometer
    agnew          agnew thermometer
    lemay          "bombs away with Curtis LeMay" thermometer
    The control card file for the metric unfolding procedure is shown below. The first line has the name of the data file. The first number in the second line is the number of stimuli, the next two numbers are the minimum and maximum number of dimensions to estimate, and the "10" is the number of iterations.

    The third line contains some "antique" options we will never use. The only numbers that matter on this line are the "4" which indicates the number of identifying characters to read off each line of the data file (e.g., the respondent id number), and the "2" at the end. This is the number of missing data codes which appear in the sixth line.

    The first number in the fourth line is a tolerance value -- leave it as is. The next three numbers are parameters to transform the input data into squared distances. In this case, let amx=-.02, bmx=2.0, and cmx=2.0. The following equation transforms the thermometers into squared distances:

    d2 = (amx*t+bmx)cmx

    where t = input data. This formula takes a linear transformation of the input data to the power cmx. With amx = -.02, bmx = 2.0, and cmx = 2.0, this is equivalent to subtracting the thermometer score from 100, dividing by 50, and then squaring. This converts t from a 0-100 scale to a 4-0 scale. If the data, t, are distances, set amx = 1.0, bmx = 0.0, and cmx = 2.0. If the data are correlations, set amx = -1.0, bmx = 1.0, and cmx=2.0 or 1.0 if the correlations are initially regarded as unsquared or squared distances respectively.

    The next value, "1.5", is the maximum absolute expected coordinate value on any dimension. It is used for plotting purposes. If the squared distances are confined to a 4-0 scale, xmax=1.5 is usually sufficient. The last two numbers, "0.0" and "100.0", are the minimum and maximum expected values of the input data. These are used to catch coding errors in the input data. Anything out of range is treated as missing data.

    The fifth line is the format of the data file and the sixth line contains the missing data codes.

    Finally, the last 12 lines are labels for the stimuli.
       12    2    2   10    0    0
        1    1    0    4    2
        .001  -0.02    2.0     2.0     1.5     0.0   100.0
     98 99
    1. Run MLSMU6. It will produce an output file called FORT.22. The first 20 lines look like this:
       WALLACE          1.2646    0.5154  217.4823    0.5541 1242.0000
       HUMPHREY        -0.5559    0.3738  114.7892    0.6968 1252.0000
       NIXON            0.1480   -0.5415  123.2209    0.5319 1250.0000
       MCCARTHY        -0.6251   -0.4938  151.8926    0.3854 1204.0000
       REAGAN           0.3080   -0.8895  131.8091    0.4380 1212.0000
       ROCKEFELLER     -0.5579   -0.5995  148.1413    0.3724 1229.0000
       LBJ             -0.5223    0.4905  147.0334    0.5573 1253.0000
       ROMNEY          -0.4736   -0.7866  111.3147    0.3434 1167.0000
       R.KENNEDY       -0.4245    0.2351  148.8571    0.5418 1242.0000
       MUSKIE          -0.6611    0.1660  126.0836    0.4862 1177.0000
       AGNEW            0.2341   -0.8706  114.1418    0.4675 1180.0000
       LEMAY            1.1901    0.4267  174.3242    0.4601 1188.0000
       1681            -0.0285    0.2555    0.7918    0.6824   12.0000
       1124            -0.1768    0.2692    1.4788    0.6992   12.0000
         78             0.5707   -0.1514    3.5611    0.2141   12.0000
        553             0.1376    0.1064    0.1597    0.7047    9.0000
          7             0.2542    0.1235    1.2634    0.0116   12.0000
        412             0.2781    0.0867    0.1024    0.6197   12.0000
        631             0.5017    0.1088    1.1196    0.0742   12.0000
       1316             0.2175   -0.5842    1.1568    0.8577   12.0000
                             etc etc etc
                             etc etc etc
      The first two columns after the names are the two dimensional coordinates. The first 12 lines are the coordinates for the political candidates and lines 13 onward are the coordinates for the respondents. Use R to plot the 12 candidates in two dimensions. This plot should be very similar to the one you did for Question 1 above.

    2. Use Epsilon to insert the voted and voted for variables into FORT.22 (strip off the candidate coordinates first). Turn in the Epsilon macro you used to do the insertion and the first 20 lines of the file.

    3. Use R to make two-dimensional plots of the Voters, Non-Voters, Humphrey Voters only, Nixon Voters only, and Wallace Voters only. For example, your Humphrey Voter plot should look something like this:

      Label each plot appropriately and use solid dots to plot the respondents. Turn in all these plots.

  4. The aim of this problem is to analyze the 2000 thermometer scores using metric unfolding in the same fashion as above. Download the control card file and data file and place them in the same directory.

    UNFOLD_2000.CTL -- Control Card File for Metric Unfolding Program
    ELEC2000.DAT -- 2000 Election Data

    Here are the first four lines of ELEC2000.DAT.
        10787  4  8  0  0  0  2 49  1   0  65  60  30  40  70  50 998 998  40  59  75  63  65  6  1  3  6  4  0  2
        21271  2  6  0  1  0  2 35  1  50  50  50  50 997  50   0  50 997  50 100   0 100   0  4  4  2  6  8  0  0
        40285  2  6  0  0  0  2 63  0  70  55  55  60  65  55  55  65  50  60  70  65  65  90  6  5  5  5  5  0  1
        50191  6  6  0  1  0  2 40  1  50  40  80  60  60  80  70  50  70   0  20  90  70  70  6  2  2  6  4  0  2
    The variables, in order, are:
        RESPONDENT ID      = unique 8 digit number
        PARTY ID           = 0 to 6 -- 0 = Strong Democrat
                                       1 = Weak Democrat
                                       2 = Lean Democrat
                                       3 = Independent
                                       4 = Lean Republican
                                       5 = Weak Republican
                                       6 = Strong Republican
        FAMILY INCOME      = 1 to 22 - 1.   A. NONE OR LESS THAN $4,999
                                       2.   B. $5,000-$9,999
                                       3.   C. $10,000-$14,999
                                       4.   D. $15,000-$24,999
                                       5.   E. $25,000-$34,999
                                       6.   F. $35,000-$49,999
                                       7.   G. $50,000-$64,999
                                       8.   H. $65,000-$74,999
                                       9.   J. $75,000-$84,999
                                       10.  K. $85,000-$94,999
                                       11.  M. $95,000-$104,999
                                       12.  N. $105,000-$114,999
                                       13.  P. $115,000-$124,999
                                       14.  Q. $125,000-$134,999
                                       15.  R. $135,000-$144,999
                                       16.  S. $145,000-$154,999
                                       17.  T. $155,000-$164,999
                                       18.  U. $165,000-$174,999
                                       19.  V. $175,000-$184,999
                                       20.  W. $185,000-$194,999
                                       21.  X. $195,000-$199,999
                                       22.  Y. $200,000 and over
        RACE               = 0 White, 1 Black
        SEX                = 0 Man, 1 Woman
        SOUTH              = 0 North, 1 South
        EDUCATION          = 1 High School or less, 2 Some College, 3 College
        AGE                = In Years
        MARRIED            = 0 Single, 1 Married
                           = CLINTON  
                           = GORE     
                           = BUSH     
                           = BUCHANAN 
                           = NADER    
                           = MCCAIN   
                           = BRADLEY  
                           = LIEBERMAN
                           = CHENEY   
                           = HILLARY CLINTON
                           = DEMOCRATIC PARTY
                           = REPUBLICAN PARTY
                           = REFORM PARTY
                           = PARTIES IN GENERAL
                                 4=MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, 5=SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE,
                                 6=CONSERVATIVE, 7=EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE)
                           = SELF-PLACEMENT
                           = CLINTON
                           = GORE
                           = BUSH
                           = BUCHANAN
        VOTE CHOICE        = 0 NON-VOTER
                           = 1 GORE
                           = 2 BUSH
                           = 3 3RD PARTY
    MLSMU6 expects to read UNFOLD.CTL!! Consequently, rename your current UNFOLD.CTL to UNFOLD_1968.CTL and then you can copy UNFOLD_2000.CTL to UNFOLD.CTL.

    1. Run MLSMU6. It will produce an output file called FORT.22. The first 20 lines look like this:
       CLINTON         -0.7879   -0.0317  153.1404    0.7198 1477.0000
       GORE            -0.7133   -0.1701  112.1776    0.7061 1468.0000
       BUSH             0.8234   -0.2492  149.4325    0.5889 1458.0000
       BUCHANAN         0.4576    1.0536  178.0645    0.3114 1246.0000
       NADER           -0.2737    0.7599  174.6307    0.2645 1094.0000
       MCCAIN           0.2850   -0.6498  122.5794    0.3691 1182.0000
       BRADLEY         -0.0780   -0.7509  106.1498    0.3689 1088.0000
       LIEBERMAN       -0.3428   -0.6394  107.1314    0.4758 1096.0000
       CHENEY           0.7002   -0.4687  107.9753    0.5099 1147.0000
       HILLARY         -0.8617    0.0625  203.7540    0.6459 1466.0000
       DEMPARTY        -0.6788   -0.1713  112.8208    0.6861 1453.0000
       REPUBPARTY       0.8235   -0.3286  142.8395    0.5546 1447.0000
       REFORMPTY        0.1644    1.0398  132.9094    0.3140 1128.0000
       PARTIES          0.1949   -0.7946  158.0865    0.2290 1413.0000
          1             0.3666   -0.0534    1.2943    0.3584   12.0000
          2            -0.2740    0.6767    2.5447    0.5465   12.0000
          4             0.0094    0.0645    0.8008    0.0000   14.0000
          5             0.5073   -0.0010    1.3888    0.6249   14.0000
          7             0.2719    0.0294    0.3600    0.5458   14.0000
          8            -0.6582   -0.2931    1.8168    0.7683   14.0000
                                   etc etc etc
                                   etc etc etc
      Use R to plot the 14 stimuli in two dimensions. This plot should be similar in format to the ones you did for the 1968 configuration above.

    2. Use Epsilon to insert the VOTE CHOICE variable into FORT.22 (strip off the candidate coordinates first). Turn in the Epsilon macro you used to do the insertion and the first 20 lines of the file.

    3. Use R to make two-dimensional plots of the Voters, Non-Voters, Gore Voters only, and Bush Voters only. For example, your Gore Voter plot should look something like this:

      Label each plot appropriately and use solid dots to plot the respondents. Turn in all these plots.

    4. Use R to make smoothed histograms -- using the first dimension from the thermometer scaling -- of the Voters and Non-Voters only, and the Gore Voters, Bush Voters, and Non-Voters. For example, your Bush-Gore-NonVoters plot should look something like this:

      Here is the trick for getting the percentage breakdown in the plot:
      text(-1.0,0.53,paste("Gore Voters ",  
                      100.0*round(goreShare, 3)),col="red",font=2)
      text(-1.0,0.5,paste("Bush Voters ",
                      100.0*round(bushShare, 3)),col="blue",font=2)
      text(-1.0,0.47,paste("Non Voters  ",
                      100.0*round(nonShare, 3)),col="black",font=2)
      Turn in the R code and the plots.