Third Assignment
Due 2 May 2007
# # # normal_2.r -- Test of Shepard_Ennis_Nofosky model of Stimulus # Comparison # # Exemplars have bivariate normal distributions. One point is # drawn from each distribution and the distance computed. # This distance is then exponentiated -- exp(-d) -- and # this process is repeated m times to get a E[exp(-d)]. # # Note that when STDDEVX is set very low then this is equivalent # to a legislator's ideal point so that the stimulus comparison # is between the ideal point and the momentary draw from the # Exemplar distribution. # # Set Means and Standard Deviations of Two Bivariate Normal Distributions # # Remove all objects just to be safe # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # STDDEVX <- .001 Initialize Means and Standard STDDEVY <- .4 Deviations of the Two Normal Distributions XMEAN <- 0 YMEAN <- 0 # # Set Number of Draws to Get Expected Value # m <- 10000 # # Set Number of Points # n <- 40 # # Set Increment for Distance Between Two Bivariate Normal Distributions # XINC <- 0.05 Note that n*XINC = 2.0 # x <- NULL Initialize vectors y <- NULL z <- NULL xdotval <- NULL ydotval <- NULL zdotval <- NULL iii <- 0 while (iii <= n) { ****Start of Outer Loop -- it Executes Until y has n=40 Entries x <- 0 i <- 0 iii <- iii + 1 while (i <= m) { ****Start of Inner Loop -- it Executes m=10000 Times # # Draw points from the two bivariate normal distributions # Draw two numbers randomly from Normal Distribution with Mean XMEAN and stnd. dev. of STDDEVX and put them in the vector xdotval xdotval <- c(rnorm(2,XMEAN,STDDEVX)) ydotval <- c(rnorm(2,YMEAN,STDDEVY)) # Draw two numbers randomly from Normal Distribution with Mean YMEAN and stnd. dev. of STDDEVY and put them in the vector ydotval # Compute distance Between two randomly drawn points # Calculate Euclidean Distance Between xdotval and ydotval zdotval <- sqrt((xdotval[1]-ydotval[1])**2 + (xdotval[2]-ydotval[2])**2) # # Exponentiate the distance # zdotval <- exp(-zdotval) # # Compute Expected Value # x <- x + zdotval/m Store exp(-d) in x -- note the division by m so that x will contain i <- i + 1 the mean after m=10000 trials } ****End of Inner Loop # # Store Expected Value and Distance Between Means of Two Distributions # y[iii] <- x z[iii] <- sqrt(2*YMEAN^2) YMEAN <- YMEAN + XINC Increment YMEAN by .05 } ****End of Outer Loop # # The type="n" tells R to not display anything # plot(z,y,xlim=c(0,3),ylim=c(0,.7),type="n", main="", xlab="", ylab="",font=2) # # Another Way of Doing the Title # title(main="Test of Shepard-Ennis-Nofosky, .001, .4\nTest of Ideal Point vs. Outcome Model") # Main title mtext("Test of Shepard-Ennis-Nofosky, .001, .4\nTest of Ideal Point vs. Outcome Model",side=3,line=1.00,cex=1.2,font=2) # x-axis title mtext("True Distance Between Stimuli",side=1,line=2.75,font=2,cex=1.2) # y-axis title mtext("Expected Value of Observed Similarity",side=2,line=2.75,font=2,cex=1.2) ## # An Alternative Way to Plot the Points and the Lines # points(z,y,pch=16,col="blue",font=2) lines(z,y,lty=1,lwd=2,font=2,col="red") #The program will produce a graph that looks similar to this:
# # double_center_drive_data.r -- Double-Center Program # # Data Must Be Transformed to Squared Distances Below # # ATLANTA 0000 2340 1084 715 481 826 1519 2252 662 641 2450 # BOISE 2340 0000 2797 1789 2018 1661 891 908 2974 2480 680 # BOSTON 1084 2797 0000 976 853 1868 2008 3130 1547 443 3160 # CHICAGO 715 1789 976 0000 301 936 1017 2189 1386 696 2200 # CINCINNATI 481 2018 853 301 0000 988 1245 2292 1143 498 2330 # DALLAS 826 1661 1868 936 988 0000 797 1431 1394 1414 1720 # DENVER 1519 891 2008 1017 1245 797 0000 1189 2126 1707 1290 # LOS ANGELES 2252 908 3130 2189 2292 1431 1189 0000 2885 2754 370 # MIAMI 662 2974 1547 1386 1143 1394 2126 2885 0000 1096 3110 # WASHINGTON 641 2480 443 696 498 1414 1707 2754 1096 0000 2870 # CASBS 2450 680 3160 2200 2330 1720 1290 370 3110 2870 0000 # # Remove all objects just to be safe # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # library(MASS) library(stats) # # T <- matrix(scan("C:/ucsd_course/drive2.txt",0),ncol=11,byrow=TRUE) # nrow <- length(T[,1]) ncol <- length(T[1,]) # Another way of entering names -- Note the space after the name names <- c("Atlanta ","Boise ","Boston ","Chicago ","Cincinnati ","Dallas ","Denver ", "Los Angeles ","Miami ","Washington ","CASBS ") # # pos -- a position specifier for the text. Values of 1, 2, 3 and 4, # respectively indicate positions below, to the left of, above and # to the right of the specified coordinates # namepos <- rep(2,nrow) # TT <- rep(0,nrow*ncol) dim(TT) <- c(nrow,ncol) TTT <- rep(0,nrow*ncol) dim(TTT) <- c(nrow,ncol) # xrow <- NULL xcol <- NULL xcount <- NULL matrixmean <- 0 matrixmean2 <- 0 # # Transform the Matrix # i <- 0 while (i < nrow) { i <- i + 1 xcount[i] <- i Ignore -- Just a diagnostic j <- 0 while (j < ncol) { j <- j + 1 # # Square the Driving Distances # TT[i,j] <- (T[i,j]/1000)**2 Note the division by 1000 for scale purposes # } } # # Put it Back in T # T <- TT TTT <- sqrt(TT) This creates distances -- see below # # # Call Double Center Routine From R Program # cmdscale(....) in stats library # The Input data are DISTANCES!!! Not Squared Distances!! # Note that the R routine does not divide # by -2.0 # ndim <- 2 # dcenter <- cmdscale(TTT,ndim, eig=FALSE,add=FALSE,x.ret=TRUE) # # returns double-center matrix as dcenter$x if x.ret=TRUE # # Do the Division by -2.0 Here # TTT <- (dcenter$x)/(-2.0) Here is the Double-Centered Matrix # # # Below is the old Long Method of Double-Centering # # Compute Row and Column Means # i <- 0 while (i < nrow) { i <- i + 1 xrow[i] <- mean(T[i,]) } i <- 0 while (i < ncol) { i <- i + 1 xcol[i] <- mean(T[,i]) } matrixmean <- mean(xcol) matrixmean2 <- mean(xrow) # # Double-Center the Matrix Using old Long Method # Compute comparison as safety check # i <- 0 while (i < nrow) { i <- i + 1 j <- 0 while (j < ncol) { j <- j + 1 TT[i,j] <- (T[i,j]-xrow[i]-xcol[j]+matrixmean)/(-2) This is the Double-Center Operation } } # # Run some checks to make sure everything is correct # xcheck <- sum(abs(TT-TTT)) This checks to see if both methods are the same numerically # # # Perform Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Decomposition of Double-Centered Matrix # ev <- eigen(TT) # # Find Point furthest from Center of Space # aaa <- sqrt(max((abs(ev$vec[,1]))**2 + (abs(ev$vec[,2]))**2)) These two commands do the same thing bbb <- sqrt(max(((ev$vec[,1]))**2 + ((ev$vec[,2]))**2)) # # Weight the Eigenvectors to Scale Space to Unit Circle # torgerson1 <- ev$vec[,1]*(1/aaa)*sqrt(ev$val[1]) torgerson2 <- -ev$vec[,2]*(1/aaa)*sqrt(ev$val[2]) Note the Sign Flip # plot(torgerson1,torgerson2,type="n",asp=1, main="", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(-3.0,3.0),ylim=c(-3.0,3.0),font=2) points(torgerson1,torgerson2,pch=16,col="red",font=2) text(torgerson1,torgerson2,names,pos=namepos,offset=0.2,col="blue",font=2) Experiment with the offset value # # # Main title mtext("Double-Centered Driving Distance Matrix \n Torgerson Coordinates",side=3,line=1.25,cex=1.5,font=2) # x-axis title mtext("West --- East",side=1,line=2.75,cex=1.2,font=2) # y-axis title mtext("South --- North",side=2,line=2.5,cex=1.2,font=2) #The program will produce a graph that looks similar to this:
# # # double_center_color_circle.r -- Double-Center Program # # Data Must Be Transformed to Squared Distances Below # # **************** The Eckman Color Data ***************** # # 434 INDIGO 100 86 42 42 18 6 7 4 2 7 9 12 13 16 # 445 BLUE 86 100 50 44 22 9 7 7 2 4 7 11 13 14 # 465 42 50 100 81 47 17 10 8 2 1 2 1 5 3 # 472 BLUE-GREEN 42 44 81 100 54 25 10 9 2 1 0 1 2 4 # 490 18 22 47 54 100 61 31 26 7 2 2 1 2 0 # 504 GREEN 6 9 17 25 61 100 62 45 14 8 2 2 2 1 # 537 7 7 10 10 31 62 100 73 22 14 5 2 2 0 # 555 YELLOW-GREEN 4 7 8 9 26 45 73 100 33 19 4 3 2 2 # 584 2 2 2 2 7 14 22 33 100 58 37 27 20 23 # 600 YELLOW 7 4 1 1 2 8 14 19 58 100 74 50 41 28 # 610 9 7 2 0 2 2 5 4 37 74 100 76 62 55 # 628 ORANGE-YELLOW 12 11 1 1 1 2 2 3 27 50 76 100 85 68 # 651 ORANGE 13 13 5 2 2 2 2 2 20 41 62 85 100 76 # 674 RED 16 14 3 4 0 1 0 2 23 28 55 68 76 100 # # # Remove all objects just to be safe # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # library(MASS) library(stats) # # rcx.file <- "c:/ucsd_course/color_circle.txt" # # Standard fields and their widths # rcx.fields <- c("colorname","x1","x2","x3","x4","x5", "x6","x7","x8","x9","x10","x11","x12","x13","x14") rcx.fieldWidths <- c(18,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4) # # Read the vote data from fwf # U <- read.fwf(file=rcx.file,widths=rcx.fieldWidths,as.is=TRUE,col.names=rcx.fields) dim(U) ncolU <- length(U[1,]) Note the "trick" I used here T <- U[,2:ncolU] The 1st column of U has the color names # # nrow <- length(T[,1]) ncol <- length(T[1,]) # Even though I have the color names in U this is more convenient # because there are no leading or trailing blanks names <- c("434 Indigo","445 Blue","465","472 Blue-Green","490","504 Green","537", "555 Yellow-Green","584","600 Yellow","610","628 Orange-Yellow", "651 Orange","674 Red") # # pos -- a position specifier for the text. Values of 1, 2, 3 and 4, # respectively indicate positions below, to the left of, above and # to the right of the specified coordinates # namepos <- rep(2,nrow) # TT <- rep(0,nrow*ncol) dim(TT) <- c(nrow,ncol) TTT <- rep(0,nrow*ncol) dim(TTT) <- c(nrow,ncol) # xrow <- NULL xcol <- NULL xcount <- NULL matrixmean <- 0 matrixmean2 <- 0 # # Transform the Matrix # i <- 0 while (i < nrow) { i <- i + 1 xcount[i] <- i j <- 0 while (j < ncol) { j <- j + 1 # # Transform the Color "Agreement Scores" into Distances # TT[i,j] <- ((100-T[i,j])/50)**2 Note the Transformation from a 100 to 0 scale # to a 0 to 4 (squared distance) scale } } # # Put it Back in T # T <- TT TTT <- sqrt(TT) # # # Call Double Center Routine From R Program # cmdscale(....) in stats library # The Input data are DISTANCES!!! Not Squared Distances!! # Note that the R routine does not divide # by -2.0 # ndim <- 2 # dcenter <- cmdscale(TTT,ndim, eig=FALSE,add=FALSE,x.ret=TRUE) # # returns double-center matrix as dcenter$x if x.ret=TRUE # # Do the Division by -2.0 Here # TTT <- (dcenter$x)/(-2.0) # # # Below is the old Long Method of Double-Centering # # Compute Row and Column Means # i <- 0 while (i < nrow) { i <- i + 1 xrow[i] <- mean(T[i,]) } i <- 0 while (i < ncol) { i <- i + 1 xcol[i] <- mean(T[,i]) } matrixmean <- mean(xcol) matrixmean2 <- mean(xrow) # # Double-Center the Matrix Using old Long Method # Compute comparison as safety check # i <- 0 while (i < nrow) { i <- i + 1 j <- 0 while (j < ncol) { j <- j + 1 TT[i,j] <- (T[i,j]-xrow[i]-xcol[j]+matrixmean)/(-2) } } # # Run some checks to make sure everything is correct # xcheck <- sum(abs(TT-TTT)) # # # Perform Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Decomposition of Double-Centered Matrix # ev <- eigen(TT) # # Find Point furthest from Center of Space # aaa <- sqrt(max((abs(ev$vec[,1]))**2 + (abs(ev$vec[,2]))**2)) bbb <- sqrt(max(((ev$vec[,1]))**2 + ((ev$vec[,2]))**2)) # # Weight the Eigenvectors to Scale Space to Unit Circle # torgerson1 <- ev$vec[,1]*(1/aaa)*sqrt(ev$val[1]) torgerson2 <- -ev$vec[,2]*(1/aaa)*sqrt(ev$val[2]) # plot(torgerson1,torgerson2,type="n",asp=1, main="", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(-3.0,3.0),ylim=c(-3.0,3.0),font=2) points(torgerson1,torgerson2,pch=16,col="red",font=2) text(torgerson1,torgerson2,names,pos=namepos,offset=0.2,col="blue",font=2) # # # Main title mtext("The Color Circle \n Torgerson Coordinates",side=3,line=1.25,cex=1.5,font=2) # x-axis title mtext("",side=1,line=2.75,cex=1.2,font=2) # y-axis title mtext("",side=2,line=2.5,cex=1.2,font=2) #Run the program and you should see something like this:
434_INDIGO 100 86 42 42 18 6 7 4 2 7 9 12 13 16 445_BLUE 86 100 50 44 22 9 7 7 2 4 7 11 13 14 465 42 50 100 81 47 17 10 8 2 1 2 1 5 3 472_BLUE-GREEN 42 44 81 100 54 25 10 9 2 1 0 1 2 4 490 18 22 47 54 100 61 31 26 7 2 2 1 2 0 504_GREEN 6 9 17 25 61 100 62 45 14 8 2 2 2 1 537 7 7 10 10 31 62 100 73 22 14 5 2 2 0 555_YELLOW-GREEN 4 7 8 9 26 45 73 100 33 19 4 3 2 2 584 2 2 2 2 7 14 22 33 100 58 37 27 20 23 600_YELLOW 7 4 1 1 2 8 14 19 58 100 74 50 41 28 610 9 7 2 0 2 2 5 4 37 74 100 76 62 55 628_ORANGE-YELLOW 12 11 1 1 1 2 2 3 27 50 76 100 85 68 651_ORANGE 13 13 5 2 2 2 2 2 20 41 62 85 100 76 674_RED 16 14 3 4 0 1 0 2 23 28 55 68 76 100then change the format statement to: