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Due 26 October 2011

  1. In this problem we are going to try out SMACOF ("Scaling by Maximizing a Convex Function" or "Scaling by Majorizing a Complicated Function") which is discussed in Chapter 8 of Borg and Groenen.

    Download the R program:

    #  Read Nations Similarities Data
    T <- matrix(scan("C:/uga_course_homework_10/nations.txt",0),ncol=12,byrow=TRUE)
    TT <- 9-T
    nrow <- length(TT[,1])
    np <- nrow
    names <- NULL
    names[1] <- "Brazil"
    names[2] <- "Congo"
    names[3] <- "Cuba"
    names[4] <- "Egypt"
    names[5] <- "France"
    names[6] <- "India"
    names[7] <- "Israel"
    names[8] <- "Japan"
    names[9] <- "China"
    names[10] <- "USSR"
    names[11] <- "USA"
    names[12] <- "Yugo"
    # pos -- a position specifier for the text. Values of 1, 2, 3 and 4, 
    # respectively indicate positions below, to the left of, above and 
    # to the right of the specified coordinates 
    namepos <- rep(4,np)
    #namepos[1] <- 4    # Brazil
    #namepos[2] <- 4    # Congo
    #namepos[3] <- 4    # Cuba
    #namepos[4] <- 4    # Egypt
    #namepos[5] <- 4    # France
    #namepos[6] <- 4    # India
    #namepos[7] <- 4    # Israel
    #namepos[8] <- 4    # Japan
    namepos[9] <- 2    # China
    #namepos[10] <- 4   # USSR
    #namepos[11] <- 4   # USA
    #namepos[12] <- 4   # Yugoslavia
    #	SMACOF Package in R:
    result <- smacofSym(TT,ndim=2)  You must pass it Distances (Dissimilarities)
    #     delta is the input dissimilarities; obsdiss is the normalized dissimilarities
    # names(result)confdiss is reproduced dissimilarities; conf is the configuration
    # [1] "delta"     "obsdiss"   "confdiss"  "conf"      "stress.m"  "stress.nm"     stress.m=sse/n
    # [7] "spp"       "ndim"      "model"     "niter"     "nobj"      "metric"        spp is stress per point
    #[13] "call" niter is the number of iterations; nobj=12 here; metric=TRUE
    #            model="Symmetric SMACOF"; call=smacofSym(delta = TT, ndim = 2)
    xmetric <- result$conf Put the Estimated Configuration in xmetric[12,ndim]
    xmax <- max(xmetric)
    xmin <- min(xmetric)
    # Main title
    mtext("12 Nations Data (SMACOF)",side=3,line=1.50,cex=1.2,font=2)
    # x-axis title
    # y-axis title
    #mtext("Region (Civil Rights)",side=2,line=2.5,cex=1.2)
    ndim <- 2
    holycow <- glm(result$obsdiss ~ result$delta)  Here is where we recover the normalization constant
    # > names(holycow)
    # [1] "coefficients"      "residuals"         "fitted.values"    
    # [4] "effects"           "R"                 "rank"             
    # [7] "qr"                "family"            "linear.predictors"
    # [10] "deviance"          "aic"               "null.deviance"    
    # [13] "iter"              "weights"           "prior.weights"    
    # [16] "df.residual"       "df.null"           "y"                
    # [19] "converged"         "boundary"          "model"            
    # [22] "call"              "formula"           "terms"            
    # [25] "data"              "offset"            "control"          
    # [28] "method"            "contrasts"         "xlevels"          
    TT <- (holycow$coefficients[2])*TT Note that the intercept term = 0.0 and the coefficient on the input data
    #                                   is used to shrink TT for testing purposes below
    sse <- 0.0
    for (i in 2:np) {
      for(ii in 1:(i-1)) {
       dist_i_ii <- 0.0
       for( j in 1:ndim) {
    #  Calculate distance between points
           dist_i_ii <- dist_i_ii + (xmetric[i,j]-xmetric[ii,j])*(xmetric[i,j]-xmetric[ii,j])
          sse <- sse + ((TT[i,ii]) - sqrt(dist_i_ii))*((TT[i,ii]) - sqrt(dist_i_ii))
    heck <- (sum((result$obsdiss-result$confdiss)**2))/(np*(np-1)/2)
    sse <- sse/(np*(np-1)/2)
    ryandist <- dist(xmetric)  Create a Distance Object like obsdiss and confdiss
    heck2 <- (sum((result$obsdiss-ryandist)**2))/(np*(np-1)/2)
    1. Run smacof_nations.r and turn in the resulting plot (NEATLY FORMATTED).

    2. Report result$stress.m, heck, sse, and heck2

    3. Let A be the matrix of Nation coordinates from this question and B be the matrix of Mation coordinates from question (2) of Homework 4. Using the same method as Question 4 of Homework 5 solve for the orthogonal procrustes rotation matrix, T, for B. NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO EXPAND THE SMACOF CONFIGURATION USING GLM BEFORE YOU DO THE ROTATION!. Solve for T and turn in a neatly formatted listing of T. Compute the Pearson r-squares between the corresponding columns of A and B before and after rotating B.

    4. Do a two panel graph with the two plots side-by-side -- A on the left and B on the right.

  2. Repeat Question (1) only with the 14 Colors Similarities Data -- colors.txt.

  3. In this problem we are going to compare the configurations produced by Double-Centering and Metric MDS using smacofSym function.

    Download the R program:

    # Essentially the same code as in Homework 8 Question (1)
    Cool Function Written by a Retired Physicist in California
    ### chunk number 20: Written by R. R. Burns of Oceanside, California
    doubleCenterRect2 <- function(T){
      p <- dim(T)[1]
      n <- dim(T)[2]
         t(matrix(apply(T,2,mean),nrow=n,ncol=p))+ mean(T))/2
    # etc., etc., etc.
    ndim <- 2
    dcenter <- cmdscale(TTT,ndim, eig=FALSE,add=FALSE,x.ret=TRUE)
    #  returns double-center matrix as dcenter$x if x.ret=TRUE
    #  Do the Division by -2.0 Here
    TTT <- (dcenter$x)/(-2.0)
    TCHECK <- TT
    TCC <- doubleCenterRect2(TCHECK)  Here is the call to the function
    #  Run some checks to make sure everything is correct
    xcheck <- sum(abs(TCC-TTT))
    #  From Here on Down the Two Configurations are Plotted
    1. Run Double_Center_SMACOF_Color_Circle.r and turn in the two plots.

    2. Report xcheck, result$stress.m, heck, sse, and heck2.

    3. Repeat 1c) and 1d) only now A = Double Center Configuation and B = SMACOF configuration.

  4. In this problem we are going to compare the configurations produced by Double-Centering and Metric MDS using smacofSym function only now we are going to compute an Agreement Score matrix directly from a roll call matrix.

    Download the R program:

    1. Run Double_Center_SMACOF_Scaling.r and turn in the three plots it produces.

    2. Report kmiss, xcheck, holycow$coefficients[2], heck, sse, result$stress.m, and heck2.

    3. Report holycow2$coefficients[2] and T.

  5. Modify oc_in_R_2011.r to run the 90th U.S. Senate. Note that you will need to change the two dimensional call to this:

    result <- oc(hr, dims=2, polarity=c(7,2)) # Fannin and Sparkman

    1. Run the program and turn in the two plots that the program generates.

    2. Report the fits of the one and two dimensional models -- result1$fits and result$fits.