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Due 27 April 2015

  1. Work Problem (8) on page 275 of Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R.

  2. Work Problem (9) on page 275 of Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R.

  3. On the alpha-NOMINATE page you will find some examples of alpha-NOMINATE. In particular, run

    1. Turn in all the plots that it produces.

    2. Report summary(result$wnom.result) NEATLY FORMATTED.

    3. Change the call to alpha-NOMINATE to:

      result1 <- anominate(sen89, dims=1, polarity=c(7), nsamp=1500, thin=1, burnin=1000, 
      	random.starts=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, constrain=TRUE)
      and show the two plots that the program produces (study anominate_sen111_onedim.r to see how to change your program to run one dimension).