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R Package:

CRAN - Package anominate

R Programs:

Program to run alpha-NOMINATE in one dimension: anominate_sen111_onedim.r

Program to run alpha-NOMINATE in two dimensions: anominate_sen89_twodims.r

Produce dot plots of alpha-NOMINATE results: anominate_dotplot_sen111.r

Produce dot plots of alpha-NOMINATE results: anominate_dotplot_sen113.r

Produce dot plots of alpha-NOMINATE results: anominate_dotplot_hou113.r

Produce density plot in one dimension of alpha-NOMINATE results: anominate_density_hou114.r

Run convergence diagnostics on alpha-NOMINATE results: anominate_diagnostics_sen111.r


Royce Carroll, Jeffrey B. Lewis, James Lo, Keith T. Poole, and Howard Rosenthal. 2013. "The Structure of Utility in Spatial Models of Voting." American Journal of Political Science 57(4): 1008-1028.

See also:

Dave Armstrong, Ryan Bakker, Royce Carroll, Christopher Hare, Keith T. Poole, and Howard Rosenthal. 2014. Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R (Chapter 6). Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Site Links

NOMINATE Data, Roll Call Data, and Software
Course Web Pages: University of Georgia (2010 - )
Course Web Pages: UC San Diego (2004 - 2010)
University of San Diego Law School (2005)
Course Web Pages: University of Houston (2000 - 2005)
Course Web Pages: Carnegie-Mellon University (1997 - 2000)
Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R
Spatial Models of Parliamentary Voting
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Analyses of Recent Politics
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K7MOA Log Books: 1960 - 2017
Bio of Keith T. Poole
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