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This site is an archived version of Voteview.com archived from University of Georgia on May 23, 2017. This point-in-time capture includes all files publicly linked on Voteview.com at that time. We provide access to this content as a service to ensure that past users of Voteview.com have access to historical files. This content will remain online until at least January 1st, 2018. UCLA provides no warranty or guarantee of access to these files.

Useful R Programs

manufacturing_index_1899-1937.r -- Simple R Program that Illustrates How to do a dual axis Plot
manufacturing_index_1860-1914.txt -- Data read by R Program

figure_3_handout_2D_geometric_2008.r -- Simple R Program that Illustrates How to put Math symbols in a Plot
book_ch_3_vote1.txt -- Data read by R Program

pew_jan_2010_basicspace.r -- R Program that Illustrates How to pull Adjacent Columns From a STATA File and put them into a Matrix
Jan10_political_public.dta -- Pew Survey Data read by R Program

AM_L-C_2008_CCES.r -- R Program that Illustrates How to replace NA with 999 in a matrix using the ifelse and is.na(..) commands. Performs Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling on 2008 CCES 100 point Liberal-Conservative Scale
CCES_2008.dta -- CCES Survey Data read by R Program

Annenberg_Therm_2000.r -- R Program that Illustrates How to use -- myvarname <- which(names(data)=="varname") -- and -- matrix(unlist(data[myvarname])). Performs BlackBox Transpose on Annenberg Feeling Thermometers
NAES_DataElec_2000.dta -- Annenberg Survey Data read by R Program

OC_sen111.r -- Illustrates how to use the gdata Library to do formatted output
SEN111KH.ord -- Senate Roll Call Data read by R Program

Brazil_Markwart_1_OC.r -- Illustrates how read STATA file with missing data, run W-NOMINATE and OC, and write the output to disk using the gdata Library to do formatted output
Brazil_byname_roll_calls_lower_house_1991-1994.dta -- STATA file for Brazil Roll Call Data read by R Program

2010_Ideology_2.r -- Illustrates how to compute correlations and regression lines when there are "NA"s in the data
DWNOMINATE_ELECTIONS_DATABASE_House.dta -- STATA file read by R Program

smoothed_histogram_congress_111_dwnom.r -- Illustrates how to produce smoothed histograms that sum to one so that the relative size of the histograms is correct
handsL_110_111.dat -- Subset of DW-NOMINATE data read by R Program

bush_gore_non_2000_smoothed_histogram.r -- Illustrates how to produce smoothed histograms that sum to one so that the relative size of the histograms is correct. Uses data from a scaling of NES 2000 thermometer data.
ind2000.dat -- Scaled respondents from NES 2000 survey read by R Program

Lehman_Before_After.r -- Illustrates how to make cross-plot of two sets of coordinates for the same legislators. Also shows how to compute Pearson R's between various subsets of coordinates and how to fit a simple regression line through the cross-plot.
HOU_Before_After_Lehman.dat -- W-NOMINATE Coordinates read by R Program

House_crosstab_110_RC_1110_111_RC_241.r -- Illustrates how to make cross-plot of two roll calls from two different Houses. Program reads:
HOU110KH.ORD -- 110th House Roll Calls
HOU111KH.ORD -- 111th House Roll Calls

plot_sen90_optim.r -- Shows how to combine header from roll call file with coordinates from scaling into a data frame and then write it out in fixed record format. The trick is to use formatC to format the coordinates and then place the coordinates in a matrix that can be placed into a data frame using as.data.frame and then written out using write.fwf. Program reads:
sen90_best_solution.txt -- Simple coordinate output to be put into data frame.

plot_slice_sen90.r -- Shows how to combine header from roll call file with two sets coordinates from scaling into a data frame and then write it out in fixed record format. Program produces two panel plot comparing the two input configurations. Program reads:
true_sen90.txt -- Coordinates from Optimizer
poole_sen90.txt -- Coordinates from Slice Sampler
put into data frame.

lattice_test.r -- Shows how to take coordinates in two dimensions and create Scatterplots with Smoothed Densities. Program reads:
naes_2008_voters_2.txt -- Annenberg Respondents from an Optimal Classification analysis of survey respondents' answers to issue questions.

oprobit_ologit.r -- Program that runs ordered probit and ordered logit in R using the polr function. Shows how to do list-wise deletion using the na.omit() function
double_center_scaling_3.r -- R program that reads a roll call matrix using the function read.ord <- function(rc.file){....} and uses the function votetotals <- function(rcdta,minminority=0.025) {...} that checks for roll calls with a pre-set minimum number of legislators in the minority. The program then uses the apply command to create an agreement score matrix which is analyzed via eigenvalue-eigenvector and SMACOF using the smacofSym function.

Site Links

NOMINATE Data, Roll Call Data, and Software
Course Web Pages: University of Georgia (2010 - )
Course Web Pages: UC San Diego (2004 - 2010)
University of San Diego Law School (2005)
Course Web Pages: University of Houston (2000 - 2005)
Course Web Pages: Carnegie-Mellon University (1997 - 2000)
Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R
Spatial Models of Parliamentary Voting
Recent Working Papers
Analyses of Recent Politics
About This Website
K7MOA Log Books: 1960 - 2017
Bio of Keith T. Poole
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